277 days later… where am I?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Nimbo, Aug 30, 2021.

  1. Nimbo

    Nimbo Fapstronaut

    First off I just want to warn people this will probably be a long story, but I’ll to keep it as brief as possible.

    I have been off porn since November 26, 2020. Which if my math is right that’s 277 days as of right now. However during this time period I have been on and off MO. During the beginning I went 181 days without PMO from October 29, 2020 - April 28, 2021.

    After that day I MOed out to a random erection I got that day. I didn’t use and P and only did it to sensation. Then I begun making it a weekly habit to MO. This was dumb move in my opinion as I completely through away my discipline for a short amount of pleasure. During this time I noticed a decline in the benefits as I lost energy and became like a “zombie” someone commented. April 29, 2021 - June 25, 2021 was the time period I was MOing once a week.

    This bothered me so I got back on NoFap and just finished a 65 day streak which ended yesterday after MOing out of boredom. During this last streak I became more energetic and my co-workers definitely noticed a difference in me.

    However my issue right now with NoFap is during these streaks I never managed to regain my morning wood, at least not consistently. During my 181 days streak it came and went but never stayed. Which confuses me because I’ve done a 4 month streak before and towards the end I was getting consistent strong morning wood (this streak was from years ago and ended with PMO). I’m wondering how come when I did a even longer streak I didn’t make the same progress as I did once on a shorter streak. At this point I’m frustrated this is taking too long and it’s making me unmotivated.

    Also in terms of benefits I still noticed I get most of the benefits from staying off the P. Like I still get attraction from women and attention from coworkers. People seem to just like my vibe and being around me. MO seems to affect more mood and energy levels. For me that’s what it seems like at least.

    Not really sure what feedback I’m looking for just hoping someone can shed some light or give me some wisdom to help me understand things better. Why did I make more progress on a shorter streak that I did years ago compared to a longer streak I did a few months ago?
  2. martintheman123

    martintheman123 Fapstronaut

    If you are MOing out of boredom, then mabey you need to persue more goals and activites or at least up the intensity about how you persue the ones you aldeady have in your life?

    As for why you got more percived benefits on a streak a few years ago I cannot say as ther are so many unknown factors that could play a part.

    I want to reframe the morning wood issue. If your dick works with women, and you have a normal amount of libido and sexual desire for women then what does it matter if you get morning wood or not? Besides it could just be your body getting used to not cooming all the time.

    You have not lost all the dicipline you gained from your no PMO streak. The achivement is still there, you had a minor set back and a wakeup call. Progress in any field is rarely linear. How you proceed from here what you must decide. Do you want to MO every week not, and what other things do you want to spend your time and energy on than PMO or the lack of it?
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