Currently drunk, its 1am, I am heart broken.
I started masterbating furiously when i was 12. Started spiraling down fucked up and more fucked up porn. This caused me to be impossible to get hard with a girl in person. I'm fucking 28 and I can't get an erection with any girl (still a virgin). Not to sound cocky but I am a bartender, very social, many girls want me, I tried but I couldn't fuck a single one (tried with over 50 girls). I went to my doctor, got my blood work done, surprise surprise there were no issues. Doctor just prescribed me some blue pill and said I'll get over it. So 3 times i took a 50mg pill, my dick still didnt work. Then I meet this girl who is my type, blonde, blue eyes beautiful, but she says she wants a fwb. I'm looking for a relationship. 3 months of hooking up and no success with getting hard. Finally, I decide to take 100mg of blue pill and get a half boner and managed to barely fuck her. She gets tired of my limp dick and starts fucking some random guys on tinder... So here I am now. Heartbroken, devastated. I want to get my shit together. I am going to try to do a weekly updated minimum. My goal is to hit 90 days of NoFap at the very least. I'm sick and tired of this shit.