29 yr old, gay, loosing my mind


New Fapstronaut
So I am a little bit of a unique case in the way that I didn't become addicted to porn that degrades women or gives unrealistic ideas about sex, that's because I'm not into viewing girls having sex or their tits bouncing off. I'm attracted to men.
Hot big buff muscle men. That has always been my fantasy.

I like admiring male body, muscle worshiping, watching big strong muscular men jerk off or having either straight sex or gay sex. Internet is FULL of hot hunks doing shows now. I've lost count of how many time I've jerked off to male bodybuilders and muscle dudes jerking off on camera. This kind of porn is so easily accessible. Now with AI logarithms in streaming porn website, its almost impossible to stop scrolling unless I shut down my computer.

I have been watching porn for as long as I can remember, ever since I was a young teenager. Throughout my existence up till the present day, I have always been battling with this aspect of my life. During the early years when hormones were simply out of control, watching porn felt like it was not under my control at all. I had to watch it. I had get relief. It used to get followed by feelings of guilt. Then I would affirm myself to never watch porn again and I would maybe last a week till the hormones would kick in again to the point I just wouldn't be able to control.

Well then came fast speed internet combine that with lonely days and I discovered streaming porn. Spending hours watching and collecting porn every week. Later that led to me downloading videos from the internet and keeping collections on my hard drive. Now since I've always had this guilt attached with my porn viewing habit, I would just say to myself ' WTF am I doing with my life? ' and then would delete all the videos I had downloaded. But eventually I would fall back into the same trip of going back on intenret, spending hours viewing/collecting and downloading and then deleting everything again.

Well thankfully now, since past 2 years I have not been downloading videos and keeping them on my hard drive. I had worked on building some mental defense mechanisms in place with thoughts like '' Eventually I have to quit so no point in downloading '' that has helped me become successful in controlling this habit. And thankfully this has worked.

Another thing has been been beneficial now is that I no longer feel like watching porn or jerking off is out of my control. I dont know maybe because hormones are no longer that active or maybe I really started to have a better grip on this habit but now I just watch porn like I would watch a tv show or listen to music, as something that became a habit and I just have to do it because it would give me pleasure and NOT because '' oh my gawd feeling so horny cant control myself aaaaggggh '' you know what I'm saying.

For a few years now, I feel like my porn viewing habit is under control, I watch porn and jerk off when I WANT to and not because I am being compelled to as something beyond my control. I watch like an hour or so and then thats it. then there would be a 1 to maximum 5 days gap till I would watch porn again for 1-2 hours.I have trained my mind to stop with the guilt and just keep my porn addictions as a separate aspect of my life like I dont need to start dwelling on it or feel bad/guilt when I've spending time with friends or family as to why I am still addicted to porn when I have this really great life, I have just tried to not think about it or let the 2 things mix. But unfortunately I cant. Porn isolates me for somewhat long period of time which leads to guilt for spending time away from loved ones and then I cant function properly.Until recently I have again gone back to watching long hours online now, even creating account on porn hub to start saving up a collection. How did I slip again, not sure. maybe just boredom, maybe because I have a lot of free time etc.or just want to enjoy it.

Now I know about nofap for a few years now. Problem is I cant really relate to it or I need better help understanding as to why I should give up porn. Most people here are straight and trying to give up porn to stop with the unrealistic ideas about sex and so they can improve their dating life. Well this doesn't' apply to me since I am not into straight hardcore porn and I also dont watch porn that degrades women.

I am just confused as to whether my addiction is if it's bad for me or not. Is the kind of porn that i watch ( muscle men cam shows, solo, muscle men gay/straight sex ) actually even harmful?

I need a reason thats going to motivate me to get off the kind of porn I watch and fantasize about. Are there any benefits to me if I stop watching hot hunks in porn? I cant make up my mind as to why I should be giving up porn since the main things that most people on NoFap struggle with do not apply to me. '' Like hey I just watch hot men doing live shows on internet or it's not like I'm watching hot women getting spat on or slapped while some dude's having sex with them hence I'm good '' like this is what is going through my mind right now.

I'm pansexual,

I'm addicted to porn and I mainly watch gay porn because I'm mostly attracted to guys.

Reading your post was such a wake up call for me because it was like reading my own thoughts being written down by someone else!

Here are a few points in my head for you to chew on:

1. Abstaining for a number of days - during this abstinence how often are you thinking about porn? or porn scenarios regardless the nature.

2. You mentioned watching porn for between 1-2 hours - that is a long time to be watching porn for.

3. I have surfed NoFap to find the sales answers as you - there is a SERIOUS lack of lgbt+ support on here so I want to let you know that you're not alone in your struggle and if you want to message me for whatever I'll lend an ear.

4. Porn instils a false expectation of real life experience of sex, watching something for so long can imprint into your subconscious something that you can never live up to. So when it comes to actually being with another guy, it's unfulfilling.

5. There is a lot of gay porn that has this uncanny and eerie sense that much of it is done as 'art' and it gives an impression that these guys want to be there, they're not being degraded and there's nothing wrong. BUT it doesn't matter what gender/sex you present - porn still is degrading - there is a reason why they are showing off they're amazing bodies and most of the time it ain't for the pleasure of it.

6. I don't want to suggest that I have had the same life experience as you but I feel that reading your post - I may think the same way as you when it comes to this - you will have a lot of thoughts and rationalisations happening to give you reasons why watching those hot men isn't bad and why gay porn is different to straight porn. you need to be aware of your thoughts and always question why am i having these ideas? what's the purpose?

I have too many points to make and I feel if I write more it will get lost in my own trains of thoughts- I fear it may have gone too far already.

Just don't loose hope and know that if you have more questions feel free to bounce them off me.
It doesn’t matter if you are gay or straight addiction is addiction.

Best of luck. I started to type out a much more in-depth response but I think you have a reasonable take on what is bothering you and where you are at. This is a good forum and I hope you can find some good suppport and insight here. I am a straight male so I may not fully relate to you 100% but the guilt you describe is worth quitting just to be rid of that.

Again best of luck to you.
Like what davidx said addiction is addiction, and we're all here because it's caused us lots of dysfunction. We all have this in common.
While I acknowledge the privilege of being heterosexual in a so-called heteronormative environment, at the end of the day I'm still as sexually broken as, or maybe even more than, you or anyone else here. I think we'll learn a lot from you. Thank you for sharing with us.
I’m gay too and I can say that in the gay porn industry the surrealism sometimes can be even worst than any straight porn, they sell you the idea of getting laid with a straight guy, an old man, a teenager and all of this is shown super fast and easy.
Reality is way different, people have feelings too and should not be treated as toys no Mather what their gender is.
I'm a 36 year old gay guy here.
I've realised that porn has become an addiction to me, as well as masterbating.

Porn has led to me thinking about going to dogging sites or public places for sex. Thankfully I've never done it but these thoughts were starting to be in my head constantly, and the type of porn I was needing was becoming rougher and harder.

I've managed 21 without porn and 7 days without masterbation and orgasm so far......

I found I was masterbating to make myself feel better, and missing out on some of my life by doing this.
I believe any addiction is bad for you.

I'm straight but a little at a loss why the majority approach and reasons for nofap would not apply. Unless you plan on dating some guy that is meeting all the gay-porn stereotypes yet totally committed....the unrealistic world of porn still applies and it will still affect your real life relationships.

Now, if you haven't come out, maybe that is different...but otherwise relationships are relationships and porn is pretty damn destructive to real intimate connections.
99% of your Post is also true for me. Started the same. Felt the same. Same habits. Same quits. I was/am a collector still.
Even with gay porn I encountered the same shifts as people talk here about with hetero porn.
Anyway. In my case it really wasn’t the type of porn (only). Since you’re here it was probably a problem for you too. There are many effects that you have to be careful. You talk about perception of women but it’s not only them so probably your perception of men is also biased since not all of them are hunks and bodybuilders. What about your own perception and self confidence, self consciousness...
My problem was simply the amount of time that I spent with it and that I wasn’t aroused by the real thing anymore.
It’s worth quitting. It was many more negative effects.
AI is tracking algorithms to display certain things when you click on certain websites/ links / images, etc. it’s a way to streamline displays towards your preferences / history and predicted patterns, etc. so you keep clicking...