I was introduced to Nofap 3 years ago and since then, I've tried stopping this addiction time and time again but I've constantly failed. I have never gone 30 days without fapping. Throughout this time, I realized just how much I crave and depend on this addiction. I fap when I'm anxious, nervous, sleepy, bored, tired, afraid, lonely, or depressed. I don't deal with my problems, I just hide from them and fap. Through years of excessive masturbation and porn, I have short-circuited my brain to fap whenever I'm faced with any sort of problem or challenge. Due to this, I lost control over my life a long time ago, and now it's time to get back in control.
Now is the time to beat my addiction, to fight it in the best way that I can, before it takes over my life. Now is the time to step up and face the demon that I've created. Now is the time for me to prove myself wrong. I am not destined to be a useless miserable loner. I don't have to spend my time jerking off in guilt and shame. I can fix this. I can add value to this world. I can rise from the ashes and fulfill my potential. Starting from today, one day at a time, one challenge at a time, I will take full responsibility for my life and I will beat this addiction. Just watch me.
Now is the time to beat my addiction, to fight it in the best way that I can, before it takes over my life. Now is the time to step up and face the demon that I've created. Now is the time for me to prove myself wrong. I am not destined to be a useless miserable loner. I don't have to spend my time jerking off in guilt and shame. I can fix this. I can add value to this world. I can rise from the ashes and fulfill my potential. Starting from today, one day at a time, one challenge at a time, I will take full responsibility for my life and I will beat this addiction. Just watch me.