Good call on identifying it.4/30
Hell yeah, the snowball is rolling.
I also decided to go absolute hardmode with no edging or even checking insta ladies.
If I fail and engage in edging or I get way too interested in clicking bikini pics I consider that as failure in this challenge.
@charlie81 Just checking you saw my quote of your previous post?5/30
Too right, I hear ya5/30
@EndPornLiveLife I see a difference between accidentaly seeing some sex triggers (f.e. movies, series) and intensionally seeking some stuff -> f.e. instagram. When I am intentionally seeking it and just give in to the urge that means my willpower is already in lower points and small push is enough to loose it completely. So everytime I feel like I really want to watch something I know I cant allow it and have to avoid it any cost -> usually just running away from house