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Day 13/30
Today, I almost relapsed after waking up.. but since I resisted relapsing at that time, now I am confident and so motivated to finish day 14..
Day 14/30
Urges are on the rise but my tenacity will not weaken. I really want to complete this 30 days challenge.
Day 15/30
Despite having a flu of sth, my desires for eating and for sex is so high. I didn't expect that.
Unfortunately, I had a lot of urges, mental images and edging.. but no relapse..
I'll do my best to avoid triggering any dangerous fantasies..
Day 0/30
I relapsed because of the post-wake-up habit. Starting again and will not quit trying to finish this challenge.
completed 3/30
first day was easy.
for second and third day i had some urges. I kept all the lights on, kept the windows open, kept myself sufficient with energy and food.
one of the weak point for me is when i am tired and taking rest, my body pushes me to relapse, idk why.
for last two days, i kept myself busy watching anime and not to keep the brain free.
exercised and slept for 8 hours.