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day 1 complete. On to day 2. Taking a nap will be essential for me today. I know one of my triggers is not getting enough sleep, which leads to stress, which can lead to pmo. Understanding your triggers is key. enjoy your friday
30 days free fn PMO would be a great success for me , how long I haven't experienced?! a thousand ?!. lets go for it ...
Day 8:
I had a flat day today. Never felt any urge. I have been into work since morning. The day was packed with important tasks and dead lines. I didn't get much time to be alone (That helped me a lot).
The days are getting better. I am really surprised by the support I receive here at Nofap. Its amazing to be surrounded by people who are willing to support us, make us optimistic. So far I have felt that the world is a lonely place, but NoFap has changed my perception. This community is something of a boon. Reading success stories of people, surfing through journal entries (Especially @Jefe Rojo ) makes me optimistic.
Things I have done today:
* Meditation (I feel hard to maintain my focus, but will be alright after a week or so)
* Learning new language- Hindi (In my third day, going fine)
* Started Gratitude journal (Just one entry, couldn't comment as of now)
* Kegel exercise (In the initial stage)
* Kept myself busy with works
* Read journal of rebooters