Day 8:
I had a flat day today. Never felt any urge. I have been into work since morning. The day was packed with important tasks and dead lines. I didn't get much time to be alone (That helped me a lot).
The days are getting better. I am really surprised by the support I receive here at Nofap. Its amazing to be surrounded by people who are willing to support us, make us optimistic. So far I have felt that the world is a lonely place, but NoFap has changed my perception. This community is something of a boon. Reading success stories of people, surfing through journal entries (Especially
@Jefe Rojo ) makes me optimistic.
Things I have done today:
* Meditation (I feel hard to maintain my focus, but will be alright after a week or so)
* Learning new language- Hindi (In my third day, going fine)
* Started Gratitude journal (Just one entry, couldn't comment as of now)
* Kegel exercise (In the initial stage)
* Kept myself busy with works
* Read journal of rebooters