Hello, Just completed 30 consecutive days -no internet porn. Other types of sexual media haven’t been an issue for me. -no masturbating. I had never considered trying this until looking into NoFAP. -no orgasm. I don’t have a partner which makes this part easier for me. So far my willpower remains pretty strong. Haven’t felt any urge to surf for porn. I feel some urges to masturbate but have other routines I can substitute that I enjoy like going for walks, taking a nap, or drinking some tea. Been seeking out internet porn since its earliest days on the Prodigy internet browser. And mindlessly masturbating all that time as well. I’m excited to regain the time and control in this area of my life. 30 days is a great success for me! 60 days is my next milestone. 90 consecutive days is the goal for this challenge. And my intent is to cut out internet porn from my life all together.
Good work buddy, what areas of your life have you noticed improvement in? Anxiety, physical fitness, etc. Have these things improved?
Dude, congrats! Thats good. Headed in that direction too, very determined, and already making gains. Its definitely a better way to live and its worrisome that its so common in our culture! Wow! Keep seeking your goals.
First off, I am noticing that I’m getting an Xbox hahaha. That was my planned reward for myself for hitting my first milestone. Excited to join some friends in some multiplayer games. I also like to believe that my magnetism has 10xd and all the ladies are now swooning when I walk by…but just maybe that’s more to do with the power of suggestion…just maybe… I’ll try to keep tabs on these things in the journal forum. Thanks all for the support and best wishes to you all.
Yep, noticed women are more interested in talking to me too. Its kinda nice, but they seem to know/like something about me now moreso than in the past! Its probably not something to focus on, but its interesting that it seems to exist yeah.
Stay with the plan. You are a motivation. I am on day 27. I have PIED issues. My partner is living this PIED issue with me. Thanks to her. She has lot of questions regarding process, speed and result of this reboot. I donot have much answers to it but I give her a hope that someday we will have a great sex. She will be away for another 20 days which will help me to do NO PMO for total of 45 days. I will adopt NO PMO as my lifestyle. I get a precum release whenever she talks about how badly she wants to have sex whenever we both meet. But there is NO erections at this stage, NO MW. Can you share something about 1. Your age and medical condition ( if any)? 2. Quality of erections after 30 days. Do you get instant erections now ? Rush of blood down there on noticing a gal ? 2. My present erections are not so hard. Do you get rock hard post 30 days and does they stay for long time ? I really hope that reboot is answer to my problems. Thanks for motivation and sharing your journey.
awesome! Congratulations on hitting 30 days!!! I was wondering if there are any other actions which have helped you besides going for walks, naps and drinking tea!!!
Playing game and thinking about girls act as a trigger for me....I hope you keep tabs on them and not let it get in the way of Nofap!!
I hope after 90 days you continue to not P. I think reintroducing M, but in moderation, may be ok. Depends on individual.