30 days , PIED not yet cured


Good morning guys just looking to clear my head here.

I started nofap because I have PIED, I am at day 30. I think I am at a flatline maybe? I seem to have no sex drive. The problem is I got hooked on a very specific fap material and now i’m worried my normal attraction to women isn’t coming back. Probably just need more time.

if anyone has experience with this please give me some reassurance this will be fixed.
Well 30 days most times isnt enough, sometimes even 90 ain't. For me, i had to get over 120 days to see some major improvements on my pied. I hooked in a very young age in not-soft-p and i can reassure you that pied gets fixed unless there are other medical issues. Give yourself sometime, i think you are experiencing flatline. Believe it or not flatline and fighting urges are the ones that really help your pied, not days. After fighting with urges and getting out of flatline you will see those improvements. UNdestand that fixing pied is a slow process that needs patience courage and effort. If you can combine those three you will get your pied fixed for sure. If i did you can too
Well 30 days most times isnt enough, sometimes even 90 ain't. For me, i had to get over 120 days to see some major improvements on my pied. I hooked in a very young age in not-soft-p and i can reassure you that pied gets fixed unless there are other medical issues. Give yourself sometime, i think you are experiencing flatline. Believe it or not flatline and fighting urges are the ones that really help your pied, not days. After fighting with urges and getting out of flatline you will see those improvements. UNdestand that fixing pied is a slow process that needs patience courage and effort. If you can combine those three you will get your pied fixed for sure. If i did you can too

thank you for saying that! Just gotta keep going strong. My motivation is rising so just gonna keep that mindset
Also has anyone experienced semen leakage when going to the bathroom, i read elsewhere its normal but it’s freaking me out a little, can’t wait until this process is over