33 days is pretty easy


On day 33. It has had it's struggles. This is what I've realized...

Going to church and participating in the sacraments helps A LOT.
Staying off the NoFap Forum helps A LOT too. I mean seriously, stop wasting hours on end complaining about how miserable your life is. Accept it and move on. Do something about it. Either be addicted to your hand and the computer or start living life.
Girls who dress liberally arent as attractive anymore.
My voice has gotten deeper.
I started working out--already see positive gains after two weeks.
Running and weight lifting stamina has also increased.
Not tired throughout the day.
Not addicted to PMO. PMO doesnt rule my life.
I am able to diet better.

Good luck to you all.

Fasting, Prayer, and working out have helped significantly.
Congratulations! It sounds like things are going very well for you. Is this the first time attempting the items you mentioned? Or have you tried them before but this time everything seems to be clicking?
Thanks man. Ya it's my first time seriously going PMO mode. I've done P mode and lasted up to about 10 days. I think allowing myself to MO is the reason I haven't had longer streaks. Now going hard mode and already feeling the benefits. Aiming for 30 days.
On day 33. It has had it's struggles. This is what I've realized...

Going to church and participating in the sacraments helps A LOT.
Staying off the NoFap Forum helps A LOT too. I mean seriously, stop wasting hours on end complaining about how miserable your life is. Accept it and move on. Do something about it. Either be addicted to your hand and the computer or start living life.
Girls who dress liberally arent as attractive anymore.
My voice has gotten deeper.
I started working out--already see positive gains after two weeks.
Running and weight lifting stamina has also increased.
Not tired throughout the day.
Not addicted to PMO. PMO doesnt rule my life.
I am able to diet better.

Good luck to you all.

Great achievement! Keep on the fight! We deserve a better life than being addict to porn....
Fasting, Prayer, and working out have helped significantly.
Congratulations! It sounds like things are going very well for you. Is this the first time attempting the items you mentioned? Or have you tried them before but this time everything seems to be clicking?

Things are going pretty well. I once tried about a year ago and only made it about a month before i gave into MO which then eventually lead me back to P. I convinced myself then that M/O was ok if I wasnt looking at P. Just get rid of it all together. God Bless you brother in your struggle!
Thanks man. Ya it's my first time seriously going PMO mode. I've done P mode and lasted up to about 10 days. I think allowing myself to MO is the reason I haven't had longer streaks. Now going hard mode and already feeling the benefits. Aiming for 30 days.

Cut it all out man. Sexuality is a gift from God and is meant to be shared with your wife. Praying has helped me too. In the past, I would purge my instagram from all the female friends I had that would post revealing pictures during the summertime. But I noticed that this itself was not helping me. If you run away from the problem, then you dont truly conquer it. Instead, I kept 2 close friends on there and whenever they would post something arousing, Id pray for them and for myself. Pray for them because they think what they are doing is attractive-- to find a man. I pray that they realize what they are doing is selling themselves short and that they turn to God. I also pray for myself for being so weak and then tell myself, "That's not how you find a wife Sigma." I feel a lot stronger now because of this.

The BEST way to conquer these passions is to pray.

"The passions enslave people, destroy their reasoning, bind their will and make them sin. And from repetition of a sin, we have habit, which is when we commit wickedness even if we don't want to, and that then leads to perdition"
- St. Nikodimos the Athonite

You are all in my prayers brothers.