35 and older accountability, Group 2


This is a group for people like myself, age 35 or older. This is the twin brother of the "35 and older accountability group" group created by @artifact , the idea is that if you don't get a place in the previous group, you can join this one.
Here are some rules and guidelines:
  • Join this group by commenting on this post with the phrase "I have read the rules and would like to join this group". Please read these rules before you request membership. 20 members will be the limit, in accordance with the NoFap rules.
  • You must activate your day counter and keep it up to date to be considered an active member. You must also have no PM or no PMO set as your goal.
  • Members' usernames will be ranked in a leaderboard at the bottom of this post according to the number of NoFap days they have (without PM or PMO).
  • Check in at least once a week by commenting on this post. Let us know your status and share any helpful insights you might have. Please refrain from using graphic sexual language so you don't trigger other members. Blatant offenders will be removed from member ranking.
  • Members who fail to check in for FOUR consecutive weeks will be dropped from the member ranking. Please do not request membership if you are unwilling or unable to check in with a comment on this thread at least twice a month.
  • There will be no apps or texting associated with this group, but members are free to contact each other however they wish
  • Please let us know if you no longer want to be part of the group so that we can give your spot to a new member.
  • Thanks for participating! Together we can reach a new level in our recovery.
Note: I may not be able to update the member ranking every day, but I will try to update it at least every month.

Note 2: In the event of two or more people having the same number of days, they are ranked in order of group seniority (who has been in the group the longest gets the higher ranked number).

Note 3: If the group is full, I can add you to our waiting list. If you like the format of this group, feel free to use it to start your own group thread.


Member ranking as of 27-aug-2024
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Active, very often
Regular, within the guidelines for the group
Very low, membership could be dropped
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  1. RightEffort : 3 years 14 days :emoji_white_sun_cloud: :emoji_sunny: :emoji_trophy: :emoji_medal: :emoji_running_shirt_with_sash: :emoji_crown: :emoji_ring:
  2. GameChanger007 : 307 days :emoji_white_sun_cloud: :emoji_sunny: :emoji_trophy: :emoji_medal: :emoji_running_shirt_with_sash:
  3. jw2021 : 166 days :emoji_white_sun_cloud: :emoji_sunny: :emoji_trophy:
  4. Heinz 2 : 134 days :emoji_white_sun_cloud: :emoji_sunny: :emoji_trophy:
  5. Swiss2008 : 82 days :emoji_white_sun_cloud: :emoji_sunny:
  6. jjones : 80 days :emoji_white_sun_cloud: :emoji_sunny:
  7. krazzer : 42 days :emoji_white_sun_cloud:
  8. The Shift : 37 days :emoji_white_sun_cloud:
  9. nonfap : 21 days
  10. ANewFocus : 14 days
  11. Back2BestOfMe : 8 days
  12. Dhyan Anshu : 6 days
  13. persona2903 : 3 days
The history (& legends...)

:emoji_trophy:90 Day Hall of Achievement: persona2903, krdt, newtry, teece, Espi1971, Arnuld, RightEffort, The Real JokeErr, Paf-On, AcousticBruce, Abetterfuture, Phoenixoutofit, Nila_S, IveBetterThingsToDo, Misty1984, Challenger84, Huw980, Difficultquit123, GtnHrdAgn1, NeilD, figarofigaro, Invig2020, ADHDf, dasher, Paul Newman, Dex66, Barakah, boyrose, Liberation111, newstart002, GtnHrdAgn1, InnerMan, movin'onup, BlueKeys4Aarom, icy_tundra_21, ICAN&IWILL, Prince Macintosh, MerillianTheSure, Steveal3aneef1, boyrose, Settle, TomMeier, jw2021, MountainCross90, Grimace8777, AussieDC, Fighting the good fight, Demodectic, Presence108, nonfap, thepotter, a pink elephant, Pathfinder01, Jjones, Ogawavin, Fleefromsin, phoenix_from_ashes, theprotagonist, tigerstripes, Inspired2chg, Cremuel, LotusPbraun, Icewarrior, marksaysay, I-Y-T, clark k, T2Q, Heinz 2, Kn0wbie, LeapLikeASalmon, Swiss2008, flyswat, gouda, GameChanger007

:emoji_medal:6 Month Medal of Honor: persona2903, Parad0x, newtry, Arnuld, RightEffort, Paf-On, Espi1971, ADHDf, dasher, Paul Newman, InnerMan, jw2021, MountainCross90, nonfap, Cremuel, Kn0bie, flyswat, GameChanger007

:emoji_running_shirt_with_sash: 9 Month Sash of Persistence: persona2903, Paradox, Espi1971, RightEffort, Huw980, Innerman, Cremuel, Kn0wbie, GameChanger007

:emoji_crown: 1 year Crown of Victory: persona2903, RightEffort, Cremuel, Kn0wbie

:emoji_ring: 2 years Ring of Self Restraint: RightEffort

:emoji_mortar_board: 5 years Bachelor in Self Freedom (Graduation):

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P R E - A W A R D S

:emoji_white_sun_cloud: 30 days= You start to see the sunlight... You knew how to navigate the stormy waters well, and you are about to leave the worst of the storm behind.
:emoji_sunny: 60 days= The sun of hope shines... You were brave, you went ahead and left behind the hurricane of passions, threatening clouds and mental fog.
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I would like to join this group. I wish there was a way to limit it to those officially in the group. It really dilutes the power of group support if lots of "non-members" participate also.
This is a group for people like myself, age 35 or older. This is the twin brother of the "35 and older accountability group" group created by @artifact , the idea is that if you don't get a place in the previous group, you can join this one.
Here are some rules and guidelines:
  • Join this group by commenting on this post with the phrase "I have read the rules and would like to join this group". Please read these rules before you request membership. 20 members will be the limit, in accordance with the NoFap rules.
  • You must activate your day counter and keep it up to date to be considered an active member. You must also have no PM or no PMO set as your goal.
  • Members' usernames will be ranked in a leaderboard at the bottom of this post according to the number of NoFap days they have (without PM or PMO).
  • Check in at least once a week by commenting on this post. Let us know your status and share any helpful insights you might have. Please refrain from using graphic sexual language so you don't trigger other members. Blatant offenders will be removed from member ranking.
  • Members who fail to check in for FOUR consecutive weeks will be dropped from the member ranking. Please do not request membership if you are unwilling or unable to check in with a comment on this thread at least twice a month.
  • There will be no apps or texting associated with this group, but members are free to contact each other however they wish
  • Please let us know if you no longer want to be part of the group so that we can give your spot to a new member.
  • Thanks for participating! Together we can reach a new level in our recovery.
Note: I may not be able to update the member ranking every day, but I will try to update it at least every other day.

Note 2: In the event of two or more people having the same number of days, they are ranked in order of group seniority (who has been in the group the longest gets the higher ranked number).

Note 3: The group is usually at full membership of 20 people. We occasionally have openings. If the group is full, I can add you to our waiting list. If you like the format of this group, feel free to use it to start your own group thread.

"Be the change that you wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi


Member ranking (as of 13/11/19):
  1. persona2903:emoji_trophy::emoji_medal:: 186 days

:emoji_trophy:90 Day Hall of Achievement: persona2903

:emoji_medal:6 Month Medal of Honor: persona2903

Hey, that's great! Thanks for taking this on, it will help more people.
I have read the rules and would like to join. I’m not sure how to update and day counter on the forum. I’m willing too but haven’t found it on here yet. Used to use the reddit one.
Lost my abstinence last night. But I'm getting back on the wagon right away because I like the feelings I've had the last month and the things I've learned.
I have read the rules and would like to join. I’m not sure how to update and day counter on the forum. I’m willing too but haven’t found it on here yet. Used to use the reddit one.
Look for "Update Day Counter" in the black menu bar at the top of the page.
I have read the rules and would like to join. I’m not sure how to update and day counter on the forum. I’m willing too but haven’t found it on here yet. Used to use the reddit one.
Welcome @ANewFocus , now you are officialy accepted into the group!
You must setup the counter.
Step 1, go to "setup"

Step 2, select type of challenge and date/hour of you start the challenge

That's all. Tell me if you have problems.
See you!
Day 4 -

I noticed after i let go of porn watching my attention tries to get its sense of lack met through watching youtube videos - i can literally watch 4 hours of car crash and police chasing bad guys and after the time is past i feel the same regret and shame and guilt as i do when i watch porn.

So i'm noticing this is a pattern and im making part of my challenge to avoid all mindless browsing including youtube and all other type of social media as well.

I think its only a matter of scale. Porn is on the most extreme side of dopamine pumping activity whereas youtube is on the lower side, never the less they are all coming from lack and trying to fill a void in me through the wrong means.

Alternatively, I am choosing to do more yoga in a community and talk to real people on the phone or in-person and do meditation and reflection to be with this sense of lack, instead of running from it and wasting time.
Lost my abstinence last night. But I'm getting back on the wagon right away because I like the feelings I've had the last month and the things I've learned.
I regret the relapse ... but how good you could get positive values from what happened, appreciating how good you lived and taking foresight of the triggers that make you weaken your determination!
Let's move on ... victory is almost inevitable!