Your life right now doesn't seem to give you room that you need for a rehab. Stress, move, pregnant woman,... that is trying to swim in an iron suit. You need to free up space and time, porn addiction is deep anchored in your brain. You have some valid points I like, it doesn't make you happier nor things easier - That could be your start. Repeat it to make it your mantra, your words, your consciousness about that it would make you feel worse. Feel free to check my journal for what works for me and how I encourage myself. It's important to fully commit, to dedicate, find time every day, be disciplined, prime your thoughts every single morning to not fall again in the trap,...
Read more success stories, about the great benefits, the energy you win, the sharpened focus on life, feeling more alive, to feel your strength, the relief, the time you will have for your wife and newborn, the better mood you get,... Let's do this journey together!
I'm 41 years old, addicted since I was 12,...I almost made 90 days in my last strike and had some rough time too. Good time to hope on the train to be a better man.
Stay strong!