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Checking in on day 249/365, for another week completed. My best for you, that you stay strong. It's not been easy because relaxing is always an option and one can never relax with this addiction. I was having some urges in the past few days, you know, because the memories of this addiction are still there, and still clear. I know that they will come once in a while, but I should continue focusing on the reboot process because this cannot be just a fight between my mind and me. I think my mind needs a bigger change. It is hard, but I think that is the only way to actually have a big change.
I too have a perspective on this issue.
Being exposed accidently is obviously different to intentionally seeking it out but there are different levels. For example if we go to a place or meet people who we know use P or where triggering TV shows are being watched, that can be us subconsciously seeking it out.

And then in situations where we are accidentally exposed that our resolve is challenged. Do we look away from the trigger as soon as we see it, or do we look a longer than we know is healthy for us at that moment?

So yeah, it's complicated. 57/365


Yeah, I'm starting to struggle with this very thing - the accidental look. I've come to the conclusion that it is intent that is the real issue. If I've intentionally sought out porn then sure that is different than having someone foist it upon you, or seeing a dodgy ad somewhere...