53 Days porn free... success?

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by James_1712, Feb 27, 2023.

Will you masturbate again after beating your porn addiction?

  1. Yes

    4 vote(s)
  2. No

    42 vote(s)
  3. Not sure

    5 vote(s)
  1. James_1712

    James_1712 Fapstronaut

    I was debating making this post as I'm not sure if this is a complete success story but I am proud of my achievement so here goes. I'd like to thank everyone on this forum, from messages on my journal or dm's of support, to guys/girls who have posted their own stories which have given me encouragement not to give up.

    After having another embarrassing PIED issue with my girlfriend at the start of this year I decided enough was enough and discovered Nofap. I had seen it before when I have had erection issues but never thought this was my issue. I blamed performance anxiety and other things, maybe I was embarrassed to admit I was addicted to porn.

    I have probably PMO'd for around 10 years of my life. Maybe once or twice a day on average and luckily not getting into too extreme stuff. However, I have at times got into cam stations (luckily didn't spend money), hookup sites, and long edging sessions occasionally.

    I am now 53 days porn free. Porn was my escape for stress, social anxiety, loneliness, real life problems. It was my safe space. I grew up on it and thought everyone did it. I thought what I did was normal, and I was wrong.

    I think the first step to curing a porn addiction is accepting you have one, and make that decision in your head that it is going to stop, fully commit to it. Also have reasons why you want to stop, what will the benefits be in your life? For me, it is to recover from PIED, social anxiety, viewing woman in a better way, discipline, seeking real life intimacy.

    I've realised by PMO'ing for years, my brain has been wired to take the easy option of a dopamine rush to computer pixels. Real life intimacy is harder. You have to think about the other person. Are they enjoying it? Am I performing well? There is an element of anxiety which I certainly feel in these situations, and my brain didn't like it. This caused me to have embarrassing situations over and over again. I lost relationships because of it, and I damaged my mental health and self esteem.

    Over the last 53 days, I've managed to have sex successfully three times (with some failures also) and it felt normal. I had sensitivity and enjoyed the sensations, previously it felt forced. I still have performance anxiety and sometimes struggle to keep my erection but that's okay, I'm 53 days in and this is a marathon not a sprint. Especially after 10 years of damaging my brain.

    I have also masturbated a few days ago but without porn. Some may not agree with this but I now don't regret it. It was without death grip and was to normal fantasies. I've not felt a chaser effect to watch porn and I'm satisfied from it. It has also encouraged me to seek sex with my gf (we are long distance) as I fantasise about her during it. I feel these are normal responses rather than clicking through endless porn videos to find the right one. I don't plan to build it into a routine but will masturbate if I have a natural arousal and am in an environment to do so. Forcing masturbation could lead to bad habits.

    This may not be a success story to everyone but I'm proud of myself. I would have had maybe 100 porn sessions over this period and I've done 0 and can see the progress I'm making. I don't intend on watching porn again.
  2. ideclarewar

    ideclarewar Fapstronaut

    Seeing you confident about quitting being great for you is inspiring. I'm proud of the progress you've made. Keep going!
    James_1712 likes this.
  3. LostSon41

    LostSon41 Fapstronaut

    I wouldn't consider periodic masturbation with no death grip and no porn unhealthy......but due to my beliefs I wouldn't do it again. Also, I don't have any good memories of masturbation, it has been mostly to porn. Masturbation isn't a necessity to life for me, so my goal is to not go back.
    James_1712, by1776.13 and Ank07 like this.
  4. Kartik_2022

    Kartik_2022 Fapstronaut

    Sir, You are doing absolutely fabulous and a motivation to others on this form.

    Can you please elaborate about benefits with respect to PIED ?
    Is it a perfectly stiff erection during the entire duration of sex ?
    Do you get instant erections?
    What is your recovery time between two erections?
  5. James_1712

    James_1712 Fapstronaut

    Here's a few things I have found that I am benefitting from:

    - Firmer erections. Feels like there's more blood in my penis
    - I get spontaneous erections maybe once a day, and instant erections when getting intimate
    - I have managed to orgasm the last few times I've had sex and it remained hard the whole time. Sometimes I was unsure whether it was 100% erect though
    - I have morning wood basically every day and it lasts quite a while
    - Recovery time between erections is like half an hour but I am only 24.
    Kartik_2022 likes this.
  6. Kartik_2022

    Kartik_2022 Fapstronaut

    Great man !
    Best Wishes
  7. Asgardian36

    Asgardian36 Fapstronaut

    Congratulations, man!!! Good going. You are right there, many would not agree with you, including me on MO being as dangerous if not as damaging as PMO at this point. MO'ing is like playing with a double edged sword...it could lead to chaser effect eventually...Hope it doesn't happen.....try to go hard mode for a few days and see the difference. People say all kinds of shit...that its ok to jack off once every 14 days or sth, which I think is total BS. Unused sperm will get re absorbed into the body. Anyway I hope you consider taking MO off the agenda as well.

    What 3 ideas or habits have helped you get there?
    Returning Rebooter likes this.
  8. TonyTokoyo

    TonyTokoyo Fapstronaut

    That's great! At least you have freed yourself from the evil clutch of porn and now don't get too laid back and instead of patting yourself on back, aim for quitting mastrubation. Chaser effect didn't bother you this time but everytime you won't be lucky. Basically, the downward spiral comes right after these things, after masturbation I didn't feel chaser effect, I just peeked in a little on Instagram but hey my mind is so strong now that I didn't feel like watching porn after that. Once decided to leave this pmo crap behind, it must stay behind. The jizz you wasted on mastrubation is required at this stage to make you mentally stronger and focused. My best wishes.
    Wanttosucceed likes this.
  9. Have you found PAWS aka withdrawal to be an issue for you? I mean I read about people suffering with depression and anxiety because of a withdrawal syndrome from quitting porn and I hope it's not real as I'm doing this to feel positive effects like more motivation, energy etc and not negative consequences! Already been through one awful withdrawal from prescription drugs and don't want to go through another! Thanks
  10. Tryingto

    Tryingto Fapstronaut

    This is definitely a success story in my books, @James_1712. Congratulations!

    If you look at my counter, you will see that I too focus my recovery on no p. Broadly defined to include images, substitutes, chat, cam, and phone, this is really what allows this addiction to spiral way out of control for me. As a result, it's what I want to cut out, it's what I am cutting out.

    This means m and o remain occasional parts of my life, which I'm okay with. In fact, sometimes I feel so proud after an m session that takes fifteen or twenty minutes, remembering that I used to sink hours and hours into this activity when it was fuelled by p.

    So yes, congrats on your awesome success story. May we both continue to heal and recover.
    Wanttosucceed likes this.
  11. TonyTokoyo

    TonyTokoyo Fapstronaut


    These days I am getting a more deeper understanding of this addiction and PAWS. The menace is real, but the thing that is being widely discussed is that only 20-30 percent withdrawal symptoms are real and they don't stretch beyond anywhere from 6-11 months. The depression that lingers in is basically the real life problems that we all porn addicts had been avoiding all that time and now they are in front of us to be solved or faced head on. PMO or any other addiction for that matter is basically and now scientifically, a way to cope up with other issues/problems in life. Whenever those problems arose, we found the soft hands of PMO taking us into its provocative embrace and allowing us to forget it for that time period. So, as an addict for 20 years and doing plus 5 times almost every day I know PAWS first hand. But as I mentioned that this new understanding of addiction and long intervals of recovery is teaching me about my personality, the faults and the escapism. I was an escapist, running from certain aspects of my life. Now, I have to sort them out without getting numbed by PMO. I consiously tried for at least six years to get rid of this addiction
  12. Wow to have gone from 5x plus per day to over 500 days free of PMO is an incredible achievement! I have also been trying for 5 years and never got beyond 89 days but I am feeling a new found determination...like I don't want to waste any more time in my life and I want to really live the best possible version of myself and that time starts now. Thanks for responding :)
    TonyTokoyo likes this.
  13. TonyTokoyo

    TonyTokoyo Fapstronaut

    Also, what I have seen during this period is we PMO addicts take so much time recover is due to the fact that we can't and don't discuss our addiction with family and friends. All other drug addicts and their addiction is known by their family and friends and they take them to rehab multiple times. They get counseling. We on the other hand, don't get any of that and have to figure it all out ourselves with the zombie brains of ours. So, that a huge part why we take years to get out. Of drug addicts had to figure it out on their own and without any help from family, rehab and counseling, they would never make it in their entire lives.
    Wanttosucceed likes this.
  14. Yes this is so true...PMO is a hidden addiction that never gets revealed out of societal shame...which is ironic as most people are using porn but won't ever talk about it. It's as addictive as any drug.....strength to us brother!
    TonyTokoyo likes this.