6th week, intense cravings every second, won't stop


I am hoping for somebody with more experience replies to this thread with some advice. I'm currently 39 days on NoFap, but I have been having intense cravings to watch fetish videos. This has been going on for days and it happens every single second that I'm not distracted. I also dream of it almost every night.

I have been meditating a lot today and it definately helped but I still feel like I'm under a lot of pressure. I'm going to meditate even more this evening and most likely tomorrow as well. Also gonna do my workouts this evening and tomorrow.

Anybody who has experience with multiple month streaks that can reassure me that these cravings will fade again. Because right now, I'm starting to lose hope and think that I will face a lifelong of cravings and it's a bad sight...

So to start I have gone two years. The feelings you are having are completely normal. This is your mind trying to reprogram to overcome the addiction. Now with that said the addiction like all addictions will never truly leave your system habits even after they are no longer active still have been rooted into your psyche. I learned the hard way this morning sadly, but do not lose hope or faith. You can beat this and those urges will become less strong my downfall came from complacency. I no longer actively faught them thinking they were gone accept this fact that they are there but know you have power over them not them over you. Today I have a stronger will and know that it is possible that makes my reset easier in some ways and harder due to the fact that I have to forgive my stumble. But the battle is only lost when you no longer try. Please do not lose faith in yourself. And if feel you need a shoulder to lean on just reach out you are not alone
The cravings will fade away. It's only a matter of time. It is during these extreme times when your brain is changing and healing the most. Think of cravings and withdrawals as muscles tearing up during or after working out. They hurt but this is exactly when the muscles really grow.

Meditation is great. Do you workout? Meditate right after working out or a run/jog/cardio and it will feel 10 times easier. Listen to some calm and/or motivating music. The mind is playing tricks on you making you think these cravings will never end and you will suffer your whole life. This was responsible for many relapses for me. Stay away from internet if you can and only use it when people are around. Don't use internet if you don't know what you gonna be doing. Goodluck!
What both these guys said. Having done a dozen reboots over almost two years, I can tell you I hit the same thing around 15, 30 and 40 days.

It's the addiction talking whispering in our brains like a little demon fly. Ignore it. Distract yourself. For me physical activity works best. Push-ups, Pullups, splitting firewood, or just straight up demolishing something. Creative stuff works too--writing, reading, building stuff.

It feels like you're going to implode if you don't look at porn or stroke it, but you won't.

When I get hit with those moments I try to examine what I'm feeling: am I hungry? Am I tired? Upset? Usually something emotional is triggering the desire to PMO.

Fight the power.
Thanks a lot for your responses guys, it means a lot. This day I, again, don't really feel like doing anything. The only thing I can think about is those videos and other things don't really excite me at this moment.

However after reading your comments I realize that I have to stay dedicated and keep going. Push myself through. Meditating requires some time to be effective but it's the only thing to calm me down and make me feel like I'm more in control, plus working out is a good distraction and it gives me some 'feelgood' hormones to get me through the day.

Thanks a lot, I will stay dedicated even though I haven't been feeling very good at all this week, hoping that the cravings will fade away again.
@Awakening123 Your signature says that your longest streak is 124 days. Were those 124 days of trying to distract yourself from cravings or did you also have blissful moments or so-called 'superpowers' during that streak? ('superpowers' is a debatable concept but you know what I mean by it.)
It will always be difficult to stay away from it as its a natural process for men and women to reproduce, im starting to wonder wether its an addiction at all or just a very easy way of just releasing. But for me and many on here we have noticed a mental condition that happens after it. Not sure wether its subconcious thing going on or just a genetic depressive state our minds are in. As i know of people who Fap but it has no side effects whatsoever.
I am hoping for somebody with more experience replies to this thread with some advice. I'm currently 39 days on NoFap, but I have been having intense cravings to watch fetish videos. This has been going on for days and it happens every single second that I'm not distracted. I also dream of it almost every night.

I have been meditating a lot today and it definately helped but I still feel like I'm under a lot of pressure. I'm going to meditate even more this evening and most likely tomorrow as well. Also gonna do my workouts this evening and tomorrow.

Anybody who has experience with multiple month streaks that can reassure me that these cravings will fade again. Because right now, I'm starting to lose hope and think that I will face a lifelong of cravings and it's a bad sight...


My longest streak was 75 ish days and basically what everyone else has said is true. You'll have good days and bad days throughout the process but usually when youre craving the most is when your brain is doing the most self-repair. Dreaming about fetishes is also a good thing in a way, as its your brain rewiring even as you sleep.
@Awakening123 Your signature says that your longest streak is 124 days. Were those 124 days of trying to distract yourself from cravings or did you also have blissful moments or so-called 'superpowers' during that streak? ('superpowers' is a debatable concept but you know what I mean by it.)
My longest streak was possible mostly because I was out for 60 days on a meditation retreat where I had no access to internet. It was the effect from meditation that helped me go that far but I succumbed back somehow once I started taking reboot for granted. The blissful moments were from meditation and yes nofap did play a major role in that. For me the benefits from nofap and from the retreat overlapped so it's hard to say if nofap alone or meditation for that matter caused them or not.
I'm at day 43 right now, the cravings had faded for the last couple of days but now they are returning. It's almost unbearable. Also had yet another dream this night.

I don't call it an 'urge', because it's not a quick 'burst' of desire, but a longing, craving, gnawing feeling that lasts all day, every day for weeks. It's hard for me to think about something else than my fetish. It has been like this for weeks but I will not give in! Not yet...
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I'm at day 43 right now, the cravings had faded for the last couple of days but now they are returning. It's almost unbearable. Also had yet another dream this night.

I don't call it an 'urge', because it's not a quick 'burst' of desire, but a longing, craving, gnawing feeling that lasts all day, every day for weeks. It's hard for me to think about something else than my fetish. It has been like this for weeks but I will not give in! Not yet...
Yes that is the desire to PMO talking trying to get you to hit your brain with that dopamine you get from fantasizing/watching porn. Kick it to the curb and hold fast. It will pass. I'm at day...68(?) and woke up to find my hand down my pants. I was like WTF??? Then when I loaded my car for work this 30-something Hispanic hottie with a big ole booty (trigger) in yoga pants comes swinging down the sidewalk. I sat in my car fantasizing for about 30 seconds before I caught myself. It was tough but a little voice in my head said "f**k that noise. Control your brain or it controls you." I cranked up some Chili Peppers and sang all the way to work. Felt better when I arrived.

We all will have moments. Fight those moments.
but a longing, craving, gnawing feeling that lasts all day, every day for weeks.
This is the most difficult kind of urges/withdrawals to deal with because it feels like you are breaking up emotionally with porn. But this is exactly when your brain is rewiring like peace warrior said. Hand in there. Do whatever it takes to not give in. Drive to some secluded place; listen to some blasting music; write down the pros of nofap and cons of pmo addiction.
Remember to always keep busy in your mind read a lot move a lot distract yourself until it no longer holds you. At that point take up a hobby and enjoy the little things the urges will cease but you must not.