Day 3 right now.......I am feeling proud of myself right now but still, I am not getting comfortable. I still have a long way to go.
Check in Day 1/7 on the 7 Day challenge. Last night was huge. In the past it would have been a big PMO binge as my wife went to bed early. I stayed true to my 2020 goals and worked on my financial mess. Eventually, I will work my way out of it but it will take persistent effort. I got a lot of good done last night and am feeling very good about my direction in 2020 as no PMO in this year so far.
Day 0 Hey guys.So I was have been trying NoFap for about 2 years now and no matter what some way or the other I end up relapsing.Recently its become very bad with me relapsing every 2-4 days.I wanna start getting better and i feel like today is the day i start this journey.I really would like you guys to suggest any tips for me to ensure that I don’t end up relapsing.
Hey! It's great that you're still trying. If I were you, I'd ask for help in the Rebooting forum instead of here. Best of luck!