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I am in. Day 0
Its my 10 years of addiction. Now, I can not move without this. I am using sex chat sites when I am stressed.
I am going for one day at a time.
I will come back tomorrow.
Hello, I’m in day 0. I have been a porn addict since I was 13 years old. I tried to quit pornography to many times but kept going back to it. The fact that I can’t let go really bothers me and makes me spends more time on pornography. I’m looking forward to recover and feel like a human again.
Day 1
Hello, I’m in day 0. I have been a porn addict since I was 13 years old. I tried to quit pornography to many times but kept going back to it. The fact that I can’t let go really bothers me and makes me spends more time on pornography. I’m looking forward to recover and feel like a human again.