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In less than one hour I will have completed day 4 of the 7-Day Challenge. I am more than half way there. I feel good. I can do this. Anyone need encouragement or an Accountability Partner?
Day 1 today. Stayed busy, and worked on behavior replacement.

1) Took a book into the bathroom instead of my phone
2) Worked out when I started feeling bored/antsy/frustrated
3) Called a friend to hang out tonight instead of staying home by myself
4) Closed my laptop and picked up a book when I started drifting.

Looking to add in some art/creativity tomorrow.
Day 4 again. Watching myself very closely this time. Evening planned for a bout of movies to celebrate the new year, plus other activities planned for days 5-7. It should be a good outcome. The key now is to prevent myself from getting bored.
Day 4 again. Watching myself very closely this time. Evening planned for a bout of movies to celebrate the new year, plus other activities planned for days 5-7. It should be a good outcome. The key now is to prevent myself from getting bored.
Yes just enjoy small things around..