70+ tips to Make Nofap or Porn Free easier & more effective from someone who has gone 1000+ days

15) White Noise

this one sounds weird but it does help, White noise helps those struggling with ADHD, this means your brain jumps less from one topic to another and a calmer brain makes rebooting easier, it also helps to get your job actually done resulting better feeling and less anxiety which again makes dealing with urges easier.

and it does makes sense, hearing and smelling are the only sensations you dont have much natural control over, you can decide what to touch, where to look and what to taste. but not for hearing and smelling. by white noise you gain control more control over your mind.

if you want to try it, try pink noise, the actual white noise can become exhausting because of its nature.

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18) Hiit (High intensity interval training) and weight lifting

I ain't had much experiment in any of them but my little experience says they both make you feel manlier, Hiit specially makes you feel like a warrior afterward just be sure you are healthy enough to try Hiit before actually trying it.

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20) Read Journals Of People (Same age, younger than you, older than you and with different gender of yours) better to read of those people who succeeded.

Same Age :
you can see that you are not alone and change is possible, if some one like me did it i can do it too and i can endure the pain too.

Younger rebooters : reading journals of young rebooters helps you to see the way you came, that may remind you of memories you totally forgot, it may help you to find out why you started, why you kept using and how you felt old days, that helps to find your past and how you became your current self and wether your old decisions were wise enough or not.

Older than you rebooters : i cant imagine a functioning addict to say : hmmm i want to be an addict for rest of my life, majority will say they dont want to be addict next year, they are kinda sure that they will stop it somehow magically when the moment is right, they just want to use it for this time, and this is how addiction keeps the addicts, addicts one day at a time. by reading journals of older rebooters you can see that you may end up being an addict for 20 more years of your life if you keep fooling yourself.

Opposite Sex : This addiction like many others is Humans problem not just guys or girls problem, reading about rebooters from opposite sex helps you to not see yourself as inferior because of being a guy or girl, it also helps to see opposite sex as human beings by reading what they are getting through and how similar it is to your experience instead of objects.

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Eat 3 Meals A Day at Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner time...

I read a book about will power a few years ago. The main idea was that they did studies that verified that your will power was connected to having sugar (glucose) in your blood. Lower glucose levels, lower will power.

For myself I've found it to help, when you eat these three meals a day at roughly 8-9am, 12-1pm, 5-6pm, it will help give you consistent glucose levels and you don't feel hungry at the end of the day.

This has worked to seem to help me resist P and MO urges and it has helped me in general to be less stressed (My theory is your body is slightly stressed when you are hungry and anything to reduce stress can help overall and with fighting PMO addiction).

Green Tea

in real life experiment, it makes me feel better. i dont drink black tea or coffee, but sometimes green tea and some say it helps to feel better and speed-up recovery, overall i like drinking it up to once every day and helps me.

I've also found this to be true! I've only starting drinking green tea regularly for about 1 year after reading that it can help calm you. And I can say, green tea definitely works to calm me and suppress anxiety. Oddly enough, black tea and coffee seem to have started to cause anxiety and worry a day to a few days after I drink it. But I don't think black tea and coffee used to do this to me.

I've also read and from my experience, blueberries work to calm you as well as almonds.

Crying eases the anxiety and pressure inside, F*ck the saying that says men dont cry. watching a sad movie or sad music video or sad commercial will help you to cry.
you can search for "try not to cry" and "sad commercials" in youtube to let the tears down.

Guys if youre reading this, it's completely cool for a guy to cry. That emotion is there for a reason, don't suppress it.
@mankiam33 you're welcome. Yes I think fasting works too in a different way. but I'm thinking that if you aren't fasting, then eating at the regular times has been helpful to me.
The book is ...
Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength
By: Roy Baumeister, John Tierney
22) Dont suppress your urges and impulses, rewire them.

after a while initial urges will go away and you may start to suppress your desire for nudity or your impulses to watch porn.
its better not to do so because its energy consuming and you are not going to feel better(at least it may take longer) , it can lead to depression and anxiety.
better technique is to let them come, to see your urges for nudity to see your heart beat going up and mood change but not to act on them to let them stay, if you dont act on them they turn to nonsense and they fade away, its ok to not to be able to face them all at first, maybe you are suppressing them automatically but you can let them come out step by step and become free at the end.

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24) Be Open Minded

after leaving porn for good after a while after beginning of your recovery you will face reality, world may make more sense, be open minded to new idea's, new thoughts. they are not necessarily true but you can evaluate new idea's, you are building a new life, so may need to have new and more accurate beliefs.

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25) Practice Some relaxation Strategies

porn combined with masturbation is a relaxation tool for many Porn addicts, Some has been practicing it for decades, while some more lucky ones just for months, whatever your length of use, its been a while since you've started watching porn.
Now that you want to leave porn for good practice some relaxation techniques, my problem with relaxation techniques was that none of them seemed to work and porn was by far fastest and more effective one, but what i wasn't considering was that i've practiced porn for years and new healthy methods for few times at best.
Choose some relaxation techniques and practice them daily, not when you are under stress and pressure.
when you are starting a new exercise chances are high that it's going to be hard and more stressing than calming and relaxing, some people drive in their cars to feel relaxed for sure they wouldn't do so in early days of learning how to drive.
new practices may look boring, stupid and useless, keep going after some practice you can use them when pressured.

Something that is better to keep in mind is that the only cure is not immediate cure.

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26) Make Fun Of pornography

Today's pornography is not fun, its ridiculous. specially if you have abstained from it for a while.
for me watching a comedy show about something helps me to make myself free from its unhealthy power (if its power is unhealthy), porn is no exception. SNL Has some funny videos about porn that i recommend you to watch them but they might be triggering so make sure you are not in a high risk situation for relapsing.
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27) Re-rewire your brain about porn and its messages.

presuming you've never used drugs like cocaine, heroin and etc what comes to you r mind when thinking of them ?
maybe a broke guy, maybe just a white powder whatever it is, its way different than what comes to an abusers mind.
after a while of abstinence you can rewire your brain again about porn, if now its like scratching an itch (urge), you can start to think of a lonely guy with his pants around his knees watching an screen and self stimulating, it was many of us here for a long time but dont imagine yourself or your room(dont make it personal), let this be your new image when word porn comes.
you can also try Re-rewiring your brain about lies porn told you for years, check this thread to see some of them.
Porn Hidden messages
you may need to abstain for a while before Re-rewiring your brain.

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28) Shift your ideas about sex from Porno Sex to Real Life Sex

you can ask your self questions in these two posts [1] & [2].
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29) Read Sex education books

porn can mess-up with idea's about sex specially if user has little or no experiment with real life sex.
this may be done after you maintained a good streak and are not going triggered easily, also i suggest to stay away away from highly visual books or books that are created to Spice up Couple's sex. Guide To Getting It On seems like a good book to start with.

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Thank you for sharing this @mankiam33 . I am looking forward to read your thread hidden msg from porn tomorrow, but I need to know are there any triggers in that?
Thank you for sharing this @mankiam33 . I am looking forward to read your thread hidden msg from porn tomorrow, but I need to know are there any triggers in that?
Glad you liked them, nope as much as i remember but some may trigger some users. there are some suggestive posts that are inside of spoiler tag.