A Metaphorical Biscuit
Day 6
Day 19 of no PM
Day 88 of no alcohol or caffeine
Day 56 of weight training
- feeling good and optimistic today
- may have watched a video which will change my life and finally get off this yoyo ride of PMO. Thanks again to "RiseToGreatness" for this great link:- have a great fapfree day, friends
Day 70
Went today with my family into a wellness pool. As I was in the sauna, man, this relaxed me VERY WELL. Woah all my negative thoughts were gone. I had only positive thoughts! But at the end the negative thoughts started: What will happen in future? Where can I find the perfect girl? Will I find the perfect girl?...
Also after the holidays I must go to school with all those jerks again...
Uff that hurts, but then I remember everytime this: `Keep your head up, God gives his hardest battle to the strongest soldiers`
waiting for 3 more days to complete half of my journey...never reached so far so kind of feeling excited & scared with every day successfully passing off...day 42/90
Checking in day 87 & 88 / 90.
3 days
I don't think I can do this. I feel like crap. Today is one hour at a time.
Day 0
Trigger warning: I need to be very honest.
Circumstances were stacked against me. Monday after a big weekend, wife away traveling. Game of Thrones set me off. I went and got a massage. That was a bad idea. i came during the massage. I was feeling shame and relapsed into full on M. No P, but used BIGO live.
I have a list of learning opportunities from this fiasco. Probably too many to absorb all at once. I will rise again and continue to fight, but this hurts. I had 42 days, my longest streak in many years.
i´m here brother, let´s go!!!![/QUOTE
Day 64Day 63