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Wow these relapses are making me dumb as fuck. Can feel the damaged brain very nicely. Recent regular relapses are working. They are killing me nicely.
I am so dumb right now that I can feel the dizziness in my head, the eyes dull and closing. I am forgetting many things frequently. Too much effectively fucking my daily routine.
Day 19 of no PM
Day 88 of no alcohol or caffeine
Day 56 of weight training
- feeling good and optimistic today
- may have watched a video which will change my life and finally get off this yoyo ride of PMO. Thanks again to "RiseToGreatness" for this great link:
- have a great fapfree day, friends

i´m here brother, let´s go!!!!
Day 70
Went today with my family into a wellness pool. As I was in the sauna, man, this relaxed me VERY WELL. Woah all my negative thoughts were gone. I had only positive thoughts! But at the end the negative thoughts started: What will happen in future? Where can I find the perfect girl? Will I find the perfect girl?...
Also after the holidays I must go to school with all those jerks again...
Uff that hurts, but then I remember everytime this: `Keep your head up, God gives his hardest battle to the strongest soldiers`

life in the Now brother, that´s all that matters. but if you want to dwell on thinking then focus on how great your life will be when you finish the reboot and adopt nofap as a lifestyle, you will blow the roof with confidence, energy and happiness. go brother, much love

Day 6/90! Almost up to a week with no MO (P free for almost 4 months now), which has been my goal for a while now! I've had some major temptations, but God has given me strength to push through them. Always having something to do next, though exhausting, has proven to be a great method for pushing through this struggle. Also, almost done with my 30-day cold shower challenge, so that's pretty great too!
3 days
I don't think I can do this. I feel like crap. Today is one hour at a time.

i know exactly how you feel brother. been there so many times, withdrawal is pure hell. but trust the process brother, better days will surface and the epic life you deserve lies ahead.

yesterday i though on something: if it wasn´t for porn addiction we will never engage in nofap an create an amazing life, much better than the average Joe. so if we think on it maybe pmo addiction might be a blessing in disguise ;).
not only you will regain your life but you´ll create a new one, so great you won´t believe yourself. that´s what every rebooter says.

as for now, i know it´s hard but get in there brother, keep pushing, don´t give up.

"i hated every minute of the training, but i said "don´t quit", suffer now and live the rest of your life as champion" Mohammed Ali
Day 0

Trigger warning: I need to be very honest.

Circumstances were stacked against me. Monday after a big weekend, wife away traveling. Game of Thrones set me off. I went and got a massage. That was a bad idea. i came during the massage. I was feeling shame and relapsed into full on M. No P, but used BIGO live.

I have a list of learning opportunities from this fiasco. Probably too many to absorb all at once. I will rise again and continue to fight, but this hurts. I had 42 days, my longest streak in many years.

make a chart brother. check and acknowledge the all 41 days you´ve been pmo free, and mark the 42 day as relapse. that´s a great streak and your brain rewired a lot, you have done lot´s of progress.

another thing is you didn´t use porn on the relapse, you didn´t blew the all pattern. that means even in the deepest urge and excitement you still knew how bad porn is. very good :)

now learn and go again when you feel ready brother. much love

lot´s of urges today, i was really tempted to throw everything away and just go for the softcore.
then i read a part of my motivation memo in my mobile i wrote one week ago when i expose myself to softcore (and suffer all the negative effects). i will read to you:

"(...) prolongated softcore peaking will do the same effects as PMO and the hangover will be the same (several days), like when i expose myself in 17 of april"

that sentence there literally safe me from relapse.

brothers, the fucking addicted mind will try every excuse in the book to put us on porn or porn subs. every relapse you make, or a stumble on a risky behaviour, write it down. those valuable lessons will be your life safer, so read them every day because the addict brain will have no mercy on us if we forget them.

be sharp, be smart. Onwards
Day 20 of no PM
Day 89 of no alcohol or caffeine
Day 57 of weight training
- did a huge 5 hour binge last night ... wait for it ... of watching elevatedrecovery.org videos and reading lots of his information to help me understand and conquer my addiction and control my mind
- off to the gym now to work on the body
- have a great fapfree day, friends
- here's a great motivational video I found by accident last night: