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Some thoughts and things that I have noticed over the last couple of days whilst I think about them, rather than waiting until it is my time to post.

Yesterday, as I was watching people going about their lives I realised that most people are doing just that, going about their lives. Also, most people's lives do not appear to be very exciting.
Then today I was thinking (dangerous I know! haha) that watching porn is really NOT very exciting! Sitting there in front of a screen on your own with your pants down? How lame is that! What IS exciting are the small things in life. Going to explore a new place, maybe trying a different restaurant for dinner, meeting new people, meeting and catching up with friends, watching your young niece having fun with just a tennis ball, cooking a new recipe and seeing how it turns out. Even just cooking your favourite food and watching your favourite film because that is what you fancy and it makes you smile. Those are the things that life is all about. Make the most of them, because life is amazing! And short!
THEN you get the added bonus of being able to try the odd REALLY exciting thing to spice things up, like skiing in powder or jumping out of a plane!
I am not exactly sure what I am trying to say, but I do know that sitting on your own in a dark room staring at a computer screen should be ranking pretty low on the list of life experiences. Even the so called 'boring' things in life are more valuable than that. Life is precious, don't waste it.
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Day 10/90
Seriously the main thing is that shame, that guilty feeling when you pmo. After days of no pmo, I have more self-confidence.
Without that shame and guilty feeling, I would have a happier life. I must get rid of this addiction, remove it from my life forever if I want to have a successful and happy life.

Last time I relapsed was because I felt bad, things in my life just not going well, stresses and a lot of things were pushing me.
This is something to be considered. When you feel bad, or feel like shit, whatever it is, you must not give in, find the real way to deal with it, not running away and pmo. Because right after pmo, nothing is going to change except you feeling more shit about yourself.

A good post on reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFap/comments/dljdv0/dont_forget_what_zero_day_felt_like/

All the best brothers!

Looking forward to achieving 14 days!
Joined nofap Jan 25, 2019
251/271 Good Days
Longest streaks 67 then 51 4 years later
Current Challenge 2/90 (ends on my 1 year anniversary of joining nofap)
Day 84 weight training (3X/wk)
Day 25 reduced alcohol, caffeine and sweets
- learning lots by reading others posts this morning
- your brother in this struggle
Another early phone down day again. Have spent FAR too much time on it already! So going to check in for 2 good days done now :) Went swimming for the first time in ages! As well as joining the gym again, finally! Starting to turn the corner I think.
Keep up with the support everyone. There is a really nice camaraderie on here, which is great to see :)
35 days my brothers

pmo by itself is a destructive behaviour for everybody. but for us addicts is really destructive, because after one taste many will follow, and in the end we will be feeling: no energy, lethargic, brain fog, depressive, nervous, irritated, unmotivated and pervert.

so when you think on pmo, see pmo for what it really is: poisoned candy.

Day 2. I'm all in.

Welcome to the 90 Days Challenge!


The 90 Days Challenge is currently the most common challenge for fapstronauts.

What is the 90-CHALLENGE ?

- The challenge is easy and clear. You must reach 90 days of no PMO.

- You must start on day 0 and you should post preferably every day in this thread until you reach 3 months.

When you reach 3 months, you leave this thread forever. That's all.

Want to try the next challenge ?

Please click here to participate in the 365 Days Challenge.

Note : Following the huge success of this challenge and my limited time on the forum, the hall of fames has been disabled for an indefinite period.