Some thoughts and things that I have noticed over the last couple of days whilst I think about them, rather than waiting until it is my time to post.
Yesterday, as I was watching people going about their lives I realised that most people are doing just that, going about their lives. Also, most people's lives do not appear to be very exciting.
Then today I was thinking (dangerous I know! haha) that watching porn is really NOT very exciting! Sitting there in front of a screen on your own with your pants down? How lame is that! What IS exciting are the small things in life. Going to explore a new place, maybe trying a different restaurant for dinner, meeting new people, meeting and catching up with friends, watching your young niece having fun with just a tennis ball, cooking a new recipe and seeing how it turns out. Even just cooking your favourite food and watching your favourite film because that is what you fancy and it makes you smile. Those are the things that life is all about. Make the most of them, because life is amazing! And short!
THEN you get the added bonus of being able to try the odd REALLY exciting thing to spice things up, like skiing in powder or jumping out of a plane!
I am not exactly sure what I am trying to say, but I do know that sitting on your own in a dark room staring at a computer screen should be ranking pretty low on the list of life experiences. Even the so called 'boring' things in life are more valuable than that. Life is precious, don't waste it.