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I relasped on day 5. Unfortunately I got caught by the chaser effect, and I have been PMing for the past 2 days, but I am going to try again

I know this shit pulls you back. It holds you back and in the end it destroys you but you need to fight back

Think about this
You know life is short and in the short span of life if you keep on fighting. I mean watching porn and later regretting and again starting the streak then when you are going to enjoy LIFE. So please take it seriously.

We all have experienced with relapses and most people don't show the interest on recovery than watching porn. Now suppose think your mind as sent some urges and you just fight for some time and you say OMG urges are strong and next irrespective of the place you are you find a place and you watch porn. The interest you'd shown in porn that same level of interest you need to show in recovery.

Ask yourself these questions

1) how much desire and lust do I need ?
2) if porn is ok and watching it is normal then why I am going for extreme things and breaking the limits.
3)what is the need to think about porn porn and porn every time . Do I need to be slave to it ?

So ask yourself these type of questions when urges arise inside you

You search for help everywhere but stand in front of the mirror and there is the person who is going to help you make commitment with that person and you will be successful
I know this shit pulls you back. It holds you back and in the end it destroys you but you need to fight back

Think about this
You know life is short and in the short span of life if you keep on fighting. I mean watching porn and later regretting and again starting the streak then when you are going to enjoy LIFE. So please take it seriously.

We all have experienced with relapses and most people don't show the interest on recovery than watching porn. Now suppose think your mind as sent some urges and you just fight for some time and you say OMG urges are strong and next irrespective of the place you are you find a place and you watch porn. The interest you'd shown in porn that same level of interest you need to show in recovery.

Ask yourself these questions

1) how much desire and lust do I need ?
2) if porn is ok and watching it is normal then why I am going for extreme things and breaking the limits.
3)what is the need to think about porn porn and porn every time . Do I need to be slave to it ?

So ask yourself these type of questions when urges arise inside you

You search for help everywhere but stand in front of the mirror and there is the person who is going to help you make commitment with that person and you will be successful

Truth!!! Well said bro
Day 41 / 90
Lets stop wasting time on porn bullshit, it only makes us weak, depressed, shameful and secretive. Tell yourself every day you have control over your life and who you want to be. Relapsing is a step backwards everytime. Each day we succeed is another day further away from all the negative shit and a day closer to freedom. Why go back? Even for a day. Man up...its only goddam porn. Forget it. Build a life that's most exciting, more fulfilling, more wholesome and healthy.

Onwards bothers and sister.
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Day 19, checking in. Keep it up, brothers. Had some challenges with anxiety due to unexpected stuff at work (anxiety for me is a major trigger) but now managing it. Quitting PMO sort of gives you a positive background: life is hard? - Well, at least I'm not throwing porn into the mix.

avoid coffeine as this will increase your anxiety, also do meditation daily. it´s great to create emotional balance and deal with urges :)
Day 41 / 90
Lets stop wasting time on porn bullshit, it it only makes us weak, depressed, shameful and secretive. Tell yourself every day you have control over your life and who you want to be. Relapsing is a step backwards everytime. Each day we succeed is another day further away from all the negative shit and a day closer to freedom. Why go back? Even for a day. Man up...its only goddam porn. Forget it. Build a life that's most exciting, more fulfilling, more wholesome and healthy.

Onwards bothers and sister.

yeah bro, once we can see that pmo is really a destructive behaviour even one single time. it creates so many dreadful backlash effects that it´s really absurd to keep this behaviour.

the way i see it now is:
pmo by itself is a destructive behaviour. it´s a no go for me. but since i´m an addicted, i need to hold on the urges until a point is reached that there´s zero desire to pmo ever again in my life. period