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This is some crazy shit,my humor is insane almost cryed off today..feel so weird hard depression shots and anxiety waves this is really insane.... Hope to really get a bit better soon... but I keep fighting like always..anyone here experience weird stuff too ? Much love to anyone of u ❤️❤️

I had a weird start to my day one morning. I was so grouchy that I hated the sound of everyone's voice. I shocked myself with that emotion. I can be a grouch sometimes but that was another level for me. It was also during my first attempt at 30 days of no PMO. It may have been a symptom of dopamine withdrawal for all I know. I also had a few random days and moments of anxiety and feeling down. I did gain something positive from those experiences. I became more conscious of my emotional state. With that, I began learning to keep my mood swings from affecting my actions. I even gained a few techniques to swing my mood in a positive direction.
Today is my 19th day, 71 days to go, still, the focus is firm...
Started day with meditation and now will study "Rebooting as the best Remedy Season 8" once again...

Relapsed !!!
Was overconfident, went for porn stuff with determination of not falling... but forgot that I'm still addicted and not but I felt and wanna be.

Highly disappointed with myself...
Need to scold myself and give some task that is good but not liked by me. ..
Well, from that changed quickly! Crashed and burned yesterday :( Was really tired from the start, spent the day doing nothing, started to wander, and then my will power came crashing down like a house of cards! At least going to work last night kept me busy and my mind off things.
So, that was 3 good days this time. Still making progress. Time to get back up and build on that even more!
Day 1 restarted again . this days I have to fight very hard is like living a perpetual hell where u can’t feel what is real or not anymore...today I’m drained..no energy for go out and no motivation..they keep saying masturbation doesn’t affect energy level at all ? That big bs don’t get fool by that and don’t fall down this is a real war...wish u all the best and much love ❤️❤️
Run from urge till u "ve the perfect armour to fight it
Simple manuver is giving ur self 10 min when urge come 10 min of push ups, leaving the house & running like insane, screaming out loud, crying
Believe me after 10 min u can be distracted & escape the urge
One day i" ll have the full power of dealing with urge quitely, embracing pain of fighting it, laughing at the end while it goes away like a big fat loser
One day.......
Day 13/90
Whatever you do, results will show.
If you spend your time wisely doing important stuff and produce quality output, you will have a better life.
Stop PMO right now, you already know what are the results, it's definitely 100% no good for you.
However, do something you always wanted to do, the goals you want to achieve. Pursue the dream life that you want to have.
Stay strong brothers!