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Day 0, daily check-in! :) I've reached the day 5 before relapsing, i learned from my error and it will not happen anymore, anyway, i'm going to study because i need to study to have a better future, and need a lot of other things, exercises, eat fruits, drink water regularly, etc. NoFap are one tool and a lifestyle at the same time, to we become our best version! :)

Day 10, checked :)
Urges are kind of gone, hopefully! :p

YEEESSS! :):):):):):)

Congratulations, the day 3 are complete, now the goal is to reach the next day and one week! :)

I don't know why my mind. I mean inside of the mind it says what's the wrong with the damn porn even though I know its hurting me, wasting time, compulsive behavior and making me watch more degrading and humiliating things in the past and makes me regret after watching it, porn fog all the day and insatiable lust and watching women as objects. Why the hell can't the mind understand about these things I am being effected with.

Any answers such that I can come out of this hell of shit

It's our reward system friend, just accept it and move forward ...

Stay positive and start again friend, we learn from our errors! :)

Daily check-in, on day 8! :emoji_muscle:


Congrats on 27 days, stay strong! :)

Stay positive friend!

Joined nofap Jan 25, 2019
259/283 Good Days (no relapse)
Longest streaks 67 then 51 (4 years later)
Current Challenge 9/90 (ends on my 1 year nofap anniversary)
Day 88 weight training (3X/wk)
Day 29 reduced alcohol, caffeine and sugar
- back in a hotel situation on my own which has lots of triggers from the past
- staying strong and not giving into the temptations on my cell
- your brother in this struggle

Congratulations :)

When u approach the finish line of the marathon
U "ve 2 conflicting feelings
Very happy u could finish
Very afraid what" s coming next

Wow, loved that.

PIED and death grip rehab continues

It's sad man, but it will pass, you'll have and you deserve better days on your life, i believe in you, stay strong! :)
I hv been on Porn since I was 15 years old. One bad decision and I am here 14 years later. I came across this platform somewhere in 2014, registered and never came back. I wish i had made a better choice back then. But its never too late. I am committing myself to a 90 day challenge to reboot my brain and my habits. I probably need to be PMO free like a year before full results, but Neverthless 90 days is huge for me. I have never been on more than 10 days except whenever I went to a Vipasanna retreat. I am committing to a 90 day PMO free life. I will be fully honest with my journey, if I relapse i will post here. But I won't relapse. I wish my other brothers good luck.
I don't know why my mind. I mean inside of the mind it says what's the wrong with the damn porn even though I know its hurting me, wasting time, compulsive behavior and making me watch more degrading and humiliating things in the past and makes me regret after watching it, porn fog all the day and insatiable lust and watching women as objects. Why the hell can't the mind understand about these things I am being effected with.

Any answers such that I can come out of this hell of shit
Hey man glad you're here and can talk about your frustrations. Not sure if it means anything but we’re here for you and know what you're going through. Keep at it no matter what. It does get better no matter how many times you get knocked down. Been learning that the brain heals after not PMO for a while too so there’s hope.