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Hey! This is my 0 day!
All the best brother
Aim for your goals and your future
And forget about this temporary pleasure, shit ,
Unrealistic p***, objectification of women, compulsive behavior, out of control behaviors and work for the long term success

Change your present life and try building a new life with new rules from the scratch it's never too late

Stop thinking about porn and start dreaming about your future dreams and vision

Your brother in this struggle
Day 34. I feel like talking to other people. But i dont have that opportunity for now. So i went online for stranger chats. I didn't encounter anything pmo. Infact i talked to a nice girl. Alteast that's what that person claimed she is. After a while i stopped using stranger chat because there is tendency to fall into pmo again. Well i have rejected few badtalk girls over the stranger chat. Well don't know what to do....so came here posted as soon as i stopp the stranger chats.
Day 34. I feel like talking to other people. But i dont have that opportunity for now. So i went online for stranger chats. I didn't encounter anything pmo. Infact i talked to a nice girl. Alteast that's what that person claimed she is. After a while i stopped using stranger chat because there is tendency to fall into pmo again. Well i have rejected few badtalk girls over the stranger chat. Well don't know what to do....so came here posted as soon as i stopp the stranger chats.

I think you did the right thing. Who knows what or who you might see next on those chats. If it's like Chatroulette, it's full of triggering shit. So stay away, bro, and do something safer. Like writing in this forum, hahaha. Seriously, it's that sort of erratic behavior I'd call "trigger seeking." Stay strong.
Day 34. Mannn i saw one upper nude pic and 4 girl pics(sexy type). These pics came in whatsapp....knowing those i downloaded the picture in whatsapp. But deleted in few seconds knowing that i willl lose my all these days improvement. I knowing that those are p kind of pics i downloaded the pics in the whatsapp chat. I haven't touched myself luckly yet. Mannnn what to do. I have to make sure these kinds of chats won't come up on whatsapp. I didn't do any sext or p. Just those pics... I may get guilt. Lol.