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relapse again.How to restart guys.
I don't have any motivation start again.I feel like pmo good.And I never start my streak.If you still don't relapse don't do that.You don't have any motivation after that.But how restart I feel like I'm guilty and shame and hopeless.help guys.:emoji_tired_face::emoji_weary:
Read 'Getting Started' article again by the NoFap team.
It will increase your will power. It happened with me with positive results.

Also read some success stories. You will find motivation. You will find similarity with your problems and the solution - NoFap.
relapse again.How to restart guys.
I don't have any motivation start again.I feel like pmo good.And I never start my streak.If you still don't relapse don't do that.You don't have any motivation after that.But how restart I feel like I'm guilty and shame and hopeless.help guys.:emoji_tired_face::emoji_weary:
Do these 3 steps :
Find a suitable place that no one will interrupt you then tell your brain that i want to relax for 10 minutes and i will do what you want from me then close your eyes and start to breathe and focus on your breathing after while when you feel relaxed think about your childhood and how it and you ware amazing before porn then think about your life now and how just some videos watching men doing sex is affecting your life your self and in fact people around you then take a deep breathe and think about what your life will be without porn and how it will be hard and difficult but you will enjoy its pain and will rewire then you can take 5 deep breathing and open your eyes
2. Write all your reasons for leaving it in apaper and in the same paper write 90 days begining with today
To the day you will be free ... following it by some motivaiting quotes
3. Just read about how porn affect its actors and actresses and the violence against woman and its effect on society
Hope you could read all of it and benefit
Keep trying man after 90 days you will appreciate the moment you took this decision