I relapsed again. I have been beaten to the urge from the video i saw on instagram. Whenever i spend more time with my phone, i tend to relapse. I need to be more disciplined.
Back to Day 1/90 Just felt the need to ejaculate as I was feeling quite stressed in the groin. Felt I needed to relieve the area. No porn in my life.
15/90=1/6 of the way there. Noticing how boredom and solitude can be the times when I feel the most temptation. Feeling good about my 2 week streak. Are women more interested in me or am I just imagining it? Not possible to tell right now. I definitely feel more interested in them and mostly in a mellow sort of way rather than a desperate craving. not sure if this is the right thread to be posting anything more than numbers of days. I need to find a thread where I can get a bit of interaction. Will see what I can find. Keep up the good work folks
Day 0/7. I just PMO recently just because of boredom. It is a shame. I am trying to put my life together. It is difficult. Life is suffering. Sometimes I have no purpose at all. I am creating myself a new habit. wake up at 7. Learn how to critical reading, listening, writing and speaking properly. I have no idea what I will do in the future. I am still not sure what success is, but I will try to be the best that I can be. I want to become a person who will be able to read and understand deeply, listen and summarize what people are trying to say, speak organizely and wisely and write without any grammar mistake. Be able to invest for financial freedom. Work until I die.
Day 5/90 I have watched Seinfeld "The abstinence" which is about George who is a little bit stupid character in the show can't have sex with his girlfriend who has the mono for 6 weeks. So George decides to wait until the disease past and after 6 weeks, he becomes a really clever person! If you want motivation and laugh, you have to watch the episode!!