90 Day PM Challenge

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction Recovery' started by art231, Feb 21, 2020.

  1. art231

    art231 Fapstronaut

    Hi my name is Art. I have had problems with porn for years. Im married and want to get a hold of my life. I just gave into porn a hour ago and decided its time for a change. This is the beginning of my 90 day challenge.
    OheyApple and WanderTruth like this.
  2. Vitabella

    Vitabella Fapstronaut

    Hi Art. I'm in a very similar place as you. I have a little over one day porn free.
    OheyApple, WanderTruth and art231 like this.
  3. black shadow

    black shadow Fapstronaut

    after 2months of disastrous relapse i m back
    OheyApple and art231 like this.
  4. ZeroChill

    ZeroChill Fapstronaut

    From the title my first thought was a reverse challange. 90 PM challange without O. Kinda extreme though. Maybe u would like to edit that.
    OheyApple likes this.
  5. ZenMode

    ZenMode Fapstronaut

  6. Welcome fellow fapstronaut. Now please stop, and take a moment to tell yourself (in a loud voice, not joking) that you have taken a really good and hard choice. We are used to see only the bad things we do and say, but we really need to verbalize a lot more when we do the right thing, we deserve it.

    I won't lie to you, this journey is not an easy one, but it will become easier as you become stronger. The first 2 weeks will be especially difficult (for me the worst were days 10-13, where edging didn't seem to be edging until I thought: What the hell are you doing man?).

    Think that every time you fight against the urges, your prefrontal cortex grow a little stronger and your reptilian brain becomes a little weaker. It really helps.

    Best of luck.
  7. art231

    art231 Fapstronaut

    Thank you all for your support. The first day is going very well. I look forward to this journey. I love my wife and look to prove that. I will try to post on a daily basis.
  8. HelpedMeMuchAdo

    HelpedMeMuchAdo Fapstronaut

    This is nice I am down. I had been in string of disastrous relapses but day one begins.
    OheyApple and art231 like this.
  9. HelpedMeMuchAdo

    HelpedMeMuchAdo Fapstronaut

    "Think that every time you fight against the urges, your prefrontal cortex grow a little stronger and your reptilian brain becomes a little weaker. It really helps."

    Nice quote. It gives me hope to keep on fighting. Because this means that after the initial(though numerous) tough days of battling urges, saying no becomes a lot easier. Thereby decreasing the amount(as well as intensity) of battle and increasing the time a person is on NOFAP exponentially(exaggerating) and with modest comfort.

    Imagine fighting strong urges(level 100) continuously for a year, a demoralizing thought. Thanks for letting us know this is not the case. That even the hardness of NOFAP becomes easy. We just need to stick it out for the first couple of months. And when I relapse I stick out to the next couple of months. It is important to not(saying to myself) give up and go back to relapsing. This might undo the "muscle" growth. SO repeat another one month NOFap strike and another and so forth. IF this cycle continuous due to the significantly reduced amount of time we are spending on NoFap our prefrontal cortex will have grown significantly.

    This is the way I plan to go. I have seen so much relapses and they demoralize me to another half-hearted NoFap commitment where I relapse again in days. So my effort now is to always attempt a COMPLETELY FOCUSED and ACTIVE(constant forum involvement) NoFap. And constrain my relapses below 10 times per year to give my mind "muscle" all that "NOFAP" space to to say no. The key is to never get into a "relapse streak" so to speak after the failure of the first attempt. One way to stay strong is to constantly remember about this site and post stuff on it.
    WanderTruth, Charfonglee and art231 like this.
  10. HelpedMeMuchAdo

    HelpedMeMuchAdo Fapstronaut

    20 minutes in NoFAP yes sorry for the foolishness but desperate.
    Kriyaban and art231 like this.
  11. HelpedMeMuchAdo

    HelpedMeMuchAdo Fapstronaut

    I call my approach the GRAND STRATEGY OF NoFap. Inundate the year with dozens of ACTIVE NOFAP streaks and dozens of single relapses each occurring between streaks. Relapsing is bound to come but if the amount of time between successive relapses is kept higher, then the total number of relapses per year decreases. The less the relapse time something like a total of 7-15 hours/per year(supposing it takes one hour to do the "job" on the day of relapse) and the more the NOFAP time some thing like 365 days + (24 hours - 10 hours(relapse hourse)) = 8750 NOFAP hours/per year, the stronger the minds grows in time perhaps very strong indeed. The ratio of difference is almost a 10000 to 10. SO the strategy is to attempt is to keep this balance for years thereby draining the power of porn on the long-term. It is keeping the advantage onto the NOFAP side as opposed to the relapse side. As porn addict the high ground was on the masturbation side now we try to reverse it by not giving up after the first relapse and following an ACTIVE NoFap.
    art231 likes this.
  12. HelpedMeMuchAdo

    HelpedMeMuchAdo Fapstronaut

    ACTIVE NoFap involves thinking about NOFAP each day. It is either think about NOFAP and consequently raise a mental shield as each day begins or raise the shield low and be pierced with urges. Because one is not actively thinking about NOFAP(not completely covered with shield) but is rather the NOFAP process is running in the background like a computer daemon, a person is bound to resist less because his mind is half-hearted and half-commited. To make NOFAP the first process running in mind for the next 30 days means logging into the NOFAP site for the next 30 days. And what would lead me to log into the site except forum discussions and messages from members whether good or bad. I think a network of accountability with an active involvement is what can keep me to sustain a streak. If sharing an experience of urge fighting, the simple act of talking about it makes my shield higher and higher.
    art231 likes this.
  13. art231

    art231 Fapstronaut

    Well day one came and went and no relapse. Look forward to beating another day today. Let’s all keep it up!
  14. Vitabella

    Vitabella Fapstronaut

    On day 3 here. Doing ok.
  15. art231

    art231 Fapstronaut

    I’m on day three and feeling good. Trying to keep busy. How’s everyone doing?
  16. art231

    art231 Fapstronaut

    Well I’m hitting a week today. I’m very happy and looking forward to more days being free of this.
    ice9 and (deleted member) like this.
  17. Hey great to hear from you, today you are at your testosterone peak so you should be feeling a lot of energy inside you. Remember that this peak is going down tomorrow, so don't be alarmed if you feel a little worse by then. It's also possible for you to experience some erotic/wet dream soon.

    Keep pushing forward and inform us of your progress.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 28, 2020
  18. art231

    art231 Fapstronaut

    Will do! Thanks
  19. art231

    art231 Fapstronaut

    Well I made it through the weekend. Looking to stay busy especially since boredom and being alone trigger it at times. Looking to win another week!!!!
    ice9 likes this.
  20. art231

    art231 Fapstronaut

    I made it two weeks!!! So happy I decided to sign up to this site. I needed accountability and I thank all of you for it. This is just the beginning but I’m happy to fight this battle and win!!!