This is brilliant - well done.
The question you ask is incredibly pertinent.
I think all this community will have different answers and those must be respected.
The original NF gold standard is the 90 days reboot and that’s still listed as such on the site.
The idea is that after 90 days of abstinence free from thinking and viewing P, hyperfrontality in the brain will have decreased and the plasticity in the brain will have begun to return to pre-use. Re-wired seems to be the term.
But what then?
The official NF guide suggests that you should be better at understanding the compulsive nature of P and therefore able to seek out ‘normal’ sexual experiences with another. Or perhaps even solo.
I think the idea here is just not acting out to the limitless novelty of the whole bloom in’ internet.
My view is each to his own. At the end of 90 days you have earned your spurs and have successfully completed the challenge. From there you can:
- continue your streak
- evolve from NF to other groups such as Semen Retention, Taoist sexual practises, even solo cultivation without P every now and then.
I like NF have been a member for a while.
I have been close to 90 days but never managed it. However I don’t want to be on an endless cycle of guilt forever on this, so my view is to achieve the 90, not for back to P, but not go back to NF streaks as a way of life.
I need to move on in every sense.