Hello everyone,my real name is Belhassen laribi, yeah it is quite hard to pronounce it. i stopped masturbation 2 weeks ago, it was 2 weeks of successful no masturbation. But i will be honest and say that i watched porn during time. i contributed to the growth of an industry that feeds off people freedom, an industry that gets money from harming people and messing with their minds and how they see the other gender. What i want to say is that i feel ashamed and guilty that i contributed to the growth of that industry by giving them the clicks and the views and making a bigger demand of the product they offer. But from this day everything will change and i am sure about that and i know that it wont be easy but you can also count on me. I hope we learn well from each other and have a great time gaining our freedom.
@for a better day Hey Belhassen laribi, You are correct I'm not going to attempt to pronounce it. Yet, still, I offer you a warm welcome to our community. The "Getting Started with NoFap" guide is really the best description of the program. If you haven't read it or downloaded it yet it's available on the homepage. From my experience, this community offers great support to everyone - men, women, younger, older, straight, gay, religious, secular and from all different professions. Please know you are welcome. Your former employment (how you made money) is not an impediment to being successful on here. Please get involved, read the forums and reply to people. Your experience, strength and hope are needed on here. You never know when a post you read will require just your experience because it matches the poster's experience so well. The forums are were a great deal of interaction happens. But, on people's profiles is also very active. There are many supportive people on their. Why not say hello to a few? Start with @2525 , @vxlccm , @I_can_and_I_will , @IAmJustAGuy , @weddingnails , @PatrickR , @Roady , @yashu11 , @Beamer , @CrushPornBeneathYourFeet , @Arohamystic @MLMVSS . There are many more great people on here, but open these profiles and just say hello. Please, keep coming back and let us know how you are doing, L
Hey ! And yes Porn takes advantage of people's weakness But You are here that is a start ! Take it one day at a time ! You can do this ! Msg me anytime if you ever need some advice or just an ear ! Best of luck !