A little bit frustrated with girls


So there is this girl who I know from school but we didn't talk too much. So I decided to talk to her on Facebook as she lives a little bit far away and there is no chance we can talk in real life.

We chatted a little, she seemed receptive. At one point she said she's a coming to my city and that I should "gift her a day". So we continued chatting and at one point she doesn't chat with me anymore. It's not that she the message is read, she doesn't even look at it. I talk to her and she completely ignores me.

Why would you say something like that and then be completely uninterested the other day? I don't mind being rejected, I'm a man and this happens. But this things really annoy me.
I realized something, when writing this post. Real men don't look for girls on Facebook. They do it in real life. No more facebook for me, it never gave me results.
There might be a good reason... like she is just taking it slow and will contact you soon... but if there isn't then avoid this person. It's horrible to have someone play games with your hopes. Don't blame you for being annoyed.
The best relationships I've have been organic. Sometimes you gotta go with the flow of life and let it take you where it wants. Some of the highest-quality men I've met have been at work. I was never consciously looking for a guy or gal to talk to. But these things tend to happen spontaneously.

In the mean time, you have to focus on self-improvement first. You're competing with guys that have been at the self-improvement thing for years. Guys that already laid the groundwork in high school if not earlier. Keep you eye on the prize!
A lot of girls really do NOT know how to handle rejecting someone. I'm not saying she is for sure rejecting you, because as everyone else has said, there could be plenty of reasons. But you have to also remember that girls are human, just like you, and sometimes they just don't know what the heck they're doing.

I've heard comments like this many times. Like "why did she give me a fake number? Why not just say I'm not interested?" Etc. The short answer is... women aren't perfect. It's hard to let someone down easy, and it's hard to know what the best way to do that is. Especially since everybody is different. Some people might respond better to a fake number than to be rejected in person. Some people prefer a break-up phone call, to save face, rather than having to show their disappointment in person. Girls cant be expected to handle these situations perfectly, tailored to each individual guy, every time. So unfortunately sometimes you will get annoying situations like this.

If she is just ignoring you and rejecting you and changing her mind for some reason, I agree that that isn't the best way to handle that situation and she should have been more direct. But, hey, Girls are human, and rejecting someone is hard. I would give her a bit of a break. I'm sure you haven't always handled situations like that perfectly either. I know I certainly haven't.
I have no problem in being rejected. I'm an average looking man and I'm used to it. I myself have rejected girls too. Also, it's not like I'm dying to be with her. I just don't get why she would tell me to date and then completely ignores me.

But I agree I have to invest my time in self improvement because there are plenty of men out there.

I think sexual energy cultivation is one way to become a more attractive man.

P.D.: @Noelle, I agree, the best relationships are the ones we are not forcing
I think, girl is just not interesting by you for some reasons, try to make a fun conversation and avoid Question/answer because usually is very needy.

PS : Real life is the better to meet girls ;)
@Peacekeeper I've been there brother. I know how it feels. I think she's a flake. Plain and simple.

I have a similar story. I talked to this girl and introduced myself but I couldn't develop a profound dialog because she was working (in a library). I didn't want to disturb her work. After a short period I had to ask for her phone number cause I knew the staff would end their contract. So if I didn't ask her number I would not be able to contact her. OK. So after some days I reached out by sms. She said she was busy at the time and the following month. Lol. Ok. After that I've sent one message that she didn't reply. Then I sent another one saying: "It's just a coffee....". She didn't reply too. Lol. OK.

I think sometimes we lose an incredible opportunity to meet new people and create potential new friendships because we are afraid of giving the "wrong impression". I just wanted to know her...

My friend you are the prize. They have "to feel" you are the prize. They have to "compete" for you. And if they are not interested...it's their loss. :) Believe in it wholeheartedly. ;)

Stay strong!
There's rules and levels to this sh*t. I can't give you the game, so you'll have to learn through trial and error.

I found out they're generally more monolithic than they seem...in this aspect, I mean. When it comes to the online approach, it's not them..it's you.