Hi, I'm Zachary, but prefer Zach. I've been addicted to Porn and Masturbation for 6 and a half years. This is something that started out as something that felt great (still does), it was all I wanted to do throughout the day. Over the years this is something that has gone from feeling great and doing it all day to something that has spiraled out of complete control and has led to absolute depression and I want it out of my life forever (Masturbation included). I have probably watched some of the most messed up Porn. I'm hoping to use this place as a tool to bring myself to freedom from my addiction. I know it says on the about page that this place doesn't discourage masturbation but encourages mind rebooting, and that is what I look to do here. I am also a believer in Jesus Christ, and the whole rebooting is backed by scripture
"but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." (Romans 12:2)
"but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." (Romans 12:2)