Also, one other thing I believe changed me for the best is marijuana.
Hello there, thank you for sharing your incredible story.
Regarding cannabis, maybe you feel like it has freed you from some of your troubles and put things in perspective. I can really relate to that. But let me warn you. After the honeymoon period, that drug is going to limit you and your new "free" perspective is slowly going to turn into a trap that will take you years and years to get out of.
Don't repeat the mistakes of others. I've been addicted to and have quit using many kinds of drugs. Cannabis was mentally the hardest and most difficult of them all, because the addiction is so subtle and the mind tricks and justifications are complicated as hell because they are tied into everything in life after chronic use.
You are already justifying your marijuana use, so you must know that something is wrong. Also, you are still using porn, and justifying that as well.
You are only 15 years old, you already have two addictions up and running, and your father is a recovering drug addict. He has an addictive personality (and you probably have as well) and I understand that your family history is a tough one, but you have to seriously, and I mean very fucking seriously re-think your approach to marijuana.
I promise you, that all of the good and nice things you think you can achieve with drugs is going to be illusions. The effects are going to be unstable and the shadowsides will swallow you up for many years if you let yourself go.
The positive benefits you see from marijuana is the effect of the anti-anxiety components. You have some social anxiety and some general fear that the drug will momentarily take you away from. Once you get tolerant to that, you're fucked.
Cannabis will reinforce your justifications and add multiple layers of ignorance and mind tricks on top of that. Take this from someone who has smoked heavily for many, many years.
And the "freeing your mind from the chains and looking unbiased at everything around you". I'm sorry but this is just repeating the deluded hippie cliché. It's a slow acting, subtle psychedelic. It is psychoactive for 3 to 6 weeks (I'm dead serious, the first couple of hours are just the "high" part, but it changes your thinking very subtly for weeks and weeks).
What you are describing is a psychedelic experience called 'circular logic'. It will make you think and feel like everything makes sense, but once you try to express this sense in a coherent way, you will realize that it's not empirical, it just goes round in circles... If you are aware of this it is not as damaging as if you believe in it.
The problem with being 15 years old and on drugs because you're having personal problems is this: 1) There is no one with any eperience to guide you, and you can easily get lost 2) You can't even begin to know what you are doing to your own mind, because your awareness is so low to start with. 3) Your hormone levels are reacting to your drug use: you will fuck with your hormonal development - that means certain body and brain parts will over/under develop and weird risks to your wellbeing.
It will be much better for you to treat your anxiety and deal with your family history with a good therapist. Cannabis doesn't solve your problems, it just puts them off until later. If you start to rely on cannabis for relief from these things, you are going to make it much much worse - because you will remove your ability to deal with it yourself. The anxiety block that is momentarily removed from you now, will come back harder and stronger, then you have to smoke more to get the same effect and then you will be struggling with a spiralling drug addiction. Not cool, not fun, don't do it.
Find a way to remove the anxiety by yourself,
sober, without any external help. Then you will have all the benefits you are listing, and more.
Meditation, journaling, exercise, travelling.
I wish someone would have told me about this when I was your age. That's why I'm taking the time to write this post.
You can always message me if there is anything you'd like to ask or discuss in private.