About me, and my goals.


New Fapstronaut
Hey there, my name is Even, and i have decided to do the nofap challenge, and hopefully stop watching porn, and masturbate.

I decided that i wanted to make this decision, because i have seen many people that have gained more confident and energy by doing it. One of my biggest issues, is social interaction with strangers, or alot of people in a big group, im that guy that is affraid to ask for ketchup at McDonald's, or wil just ignore someone getting hurt just to avoid a social situation.
By doing the nofap challenge i am hoping to get more confident in social situations, and getting more comfortable talking to people i dont know.

I am also very lazy and unmotivated, and i want to change that. I really hope this helps me, at least just a little so i have a start on my way to a new and better life
Hey there
Welcome to NoFap community
What are your strategies to fight against pmo?
Start a journal today and update your progress
Update your nofap counter here
If you need accountable partners post your request in accountable partners section

If you need encouragement read stories of successful people


If you need to discuss about anything related to addiction post it here


Wish you a good luck in your fighting with your addiction
Welcome to NoFap where you are amongst friends who are here to encourage you and sometimes challenge you but not judge you.

The enemy is here to steal, kill and destroy. What are your current strategies for combating the enemy called PMO?