About Me

PMO Quitter

New Fapstronaut
Hi Everybody,

I am a 25 years male working as a software developer in a company and i am so glad to be here, because i think NoFap gives me the strength to quit the PMO.

Really PMO Affects our life i realized it is so late. Once i was a good person respecting relationships. But i changed a lot as the time passed and addicted to Masturbating at photos and videos, Watching Porn,Sexual Videos on internet and thinking about sex 24/7 seeing a female as a sexual thing. i always tried to stop me from those things but i was unable to.

I always search for Incest videos(Mostly Mother and Son, Brother Wife) and illegal affair between people and thoughts to do them in real life. i know this is not good but unable to control my self.
That's why i am here to take support from you guys, Please help me.