I walked few, today
Sleep got worse,around 4 hours.
Little energy was recharged.No rest.
Low physical and mental energy.
A Midle cold symptoms today.

Mental health
Well, it hasn't improved at all.

I had a little of anxiety, but I managed to stay calm (control breathing) and soon my heart rate (beat) returned to normal.

There was no positive mood change.

Healthy Food
Ending day without wheat and sugar
Only natural foods.
No much industrialized, overprocessed foods.

Just one more day
Good to hear that you could manage your anxiety. Do you see a relationship between the quality of your sleep and the anxiety?
Day 649

Had a good Monday yesterday. Was a little but difficult to get into the groove, but I did it anyway.

Workout: day 543
Did my 25 pre-shower pushups and push ups before my toilet visits. Did a back workout and jogged for 6 minutes.

Walking: day 552
Took two walks of 38 min! It was great. Also did a small bike ride.

Screentime: day 552
Total screentime on my smartphone yesterday was 4:21 from which 3:18 hours on Whatsapp (apping/calling with my girl) and 0:23 hours on the Internet (responded on NoFap, looking at a recipe online)

Lying: day 103
Be there for your girl. You might feel a bit angry, but don't project it on her. Be neutral and open when you talk to her.

Meditation: day 649
Meditated for 60 minutes

Language learning: day 210
I did 6 sentences, but again no book study. Today I will do this again.

PMO study: day 649
Read in YBOP about all the studies that have been done that prove that PMO is very addictive. Some ‘sexologists’ claim that watching a sunset is the same as watching p movies, but studies have shown that it is really different. There are parts of the brain that light up with p-movies that don't light up with sunsets. It also stimulates the brain to release an awful lot of dopamine, which will always leave the addict dopamine deprived

Sleep: day 507
Slept at 10:30 PM. Woke up a bit sleepy.

Healthy eating: day 507
Weighed myself at 93,1 kg! Made chocolates for my girl and almost failed miserably. They came through in the end, but I ate a lot of molten chocolate.

Cold showers: day 542
I took 1 lukewarm and 1 warm shower.
7 d pmo-free.
I had a sheet to track wanted and unwanted habits. if i do a wanted habit or not do the unwanted one, i fill the cell in green.
For the last 7 days, it's all green days.. I am so happy

why I am doing well is a super important question for me.
- one possible cause is the unusual mental state of anger/resentment. I don't want this to get out of control but it's indeed helping me moving to change things..
- also, i have been eating too little and making myself feel hungry.. In this state, my urges towards everything is very low (PMO, fantasies, eating, browsing, ..) maybe cause I am starving, so my brain is some how focus on this issue.. but also I have lots of energy which is interesting. Any ideas to explain this?
- finally, I chose to focus on one recovery skill at a time for week or two, the one now is urge surfing which does help me

I am no longer having the usual urges after waking up! zero, maybe again I woke up hungry cause i ate a little, so my brain is not interesting in anything else, idk.
Lying: day 103
Be there for your girl. You might feel a bit angry, but don't project it on her. Be neutral and open when you talk to her
Feel free to ignore the question if you want to, I want to understand more this part of your habits.
what do you mean by 'lying' here? is it not telling truth?
what are you practicing and how? cause I really need to work on my social skills.
I do believe that when I have low-quality days and few hours of sleep, my anxiety comes back stronger.
When I have quality sleep days, I have no anxiety or a low level of anxiety.

Of course, personal, family and other events can alter anxiety.
Good to hear that you could manage your anxiety. Do you see a relationship between the quality of your sleep and the anxiety?
I walked few, today gray clouds.
Sleep got stable,around 4 hours.
Very little energy was recharged.No rest.
Low physical and mental energy.
A Midle cold symptoms today

Mental health
Well, it hasn't improved at all.

No anxiety attack,at moment.

There was no positive mood change.

Strong urges.
No urges.

Healthy Food
Ending day without wheat and sugar
Only natural foods.
No much industrialized, overprocessed foods.

Just one more day
Feel free to ignore the question if you want to, I want to understand more this part of your habits.
what do you mean by 'lying' here? is it not telling truth?
what are you practicing and how? cause I really need to work on my social skills.
Yes, I mean Lying as in not telling the truth. This chapter was created because I kept on lying and hiding things from my girl. I usually post difficulties there that I've met during the day in terms of communicating with my girl and will sometimes reset the counter after I've lied to my girlfriend.

I don't really know what could help you to work on your social skills, but perhaps there are some books that can help you further. There are books about being able to talk to anyone and this might help you to get loose. If you want to communicate better (for example with your parents), then I recommend 'NVC, a language of life'. You will stop seeing the other as an opponent and start seeing them as people with their own feelings, needs and requests.
Day 650

Had a nocturnal emission this morning and I feel like shit. My head is full of brain fog and I need to beware the chasers today and tomorrow. Spoke with my girl and she says that I need to mind my process better. She sees that I'm not doing the things that I actually should be doing and that my body unconsciously comes by having nocturnal emissions. I will take cold showers again (as that was one of the things that I've not been doing so much lately) and will look at my habit list to detect other things that I've not been doing lately.

Workout: day 544
Did my 25 pre-shower pushups and push ups before my toilet visits. Did an arm workout and jogged for 6 minutes!

Walking: day 553
Took one walk of 38 min and a walk of 1:15 hour with my girl in the evening.

Screentime: day 553
Total screentime on my smartphone yesterday was 3:36 from which 2:42 hours on Whatsapp (apping/calling with my girl) and 0:15 hours on the Internet (responded on NoFap)

Lying: day 104
You might have all kinds of thoughts towards your girl, but give her your best. Try to understand (ideally through the process of NVC) how she has different ways of communicating that are not her choice anyway. She might unconsciously say something that you hear as blaming, and then you have work to do to uncover it.

Meditation: day 650
Meditated for 40 minutes

Language learning: day 211
I did 6 sentences and some book study.

PMO study: day 650
Read in NVC a language of life, about hearing observations and evaluations. It is very difficult to have a clear observation, as we are taught to always evaluate the other in terms of good/bad, conscientious/lazy, loving/cold. This is the starting point for NVC

Sleep: day 508
Slept at 10:20 PM. Woke up at 3 AM and woke up again at 7 AM

Healthy eating: day 508
Weighed myself at 93,7 kg. Made a chocolate bar for my girl because she has her period. Had chicken, rice and salad for dinner.

Cold showers: day 543
I took two lukewarm showers. I will go colder again from now on.
I walked few, today gray clouds here.
Sleep got improved around 6 hours
I woke up 1 time in night.
Very little energy was recharged.No rest.
Low physical and mental energy.
A Midle cold symptoms today

Mental health
Well, it hasn't improved at all.

No anxiety attack,at moment.

There was no positive mood change.

Strong urges.
No urges.

Healthy Food
Ending day without wheat and sugar
Only natural foods.
No much industrialized, overprocessed foods.

Just one more day
Day 651

I had an okay day in the aftermath of a nocturnal emission. However, I was very clumsy and broke my watch. Quite bummed out about it. I considered that I need to become sensitive again to the feelings I have about something. Certain things give me anxiety, but I do them anyway. Now will be the practice to not do them when I feel things give me anxiety.

Workout: day 545
Didn't do pre-shower pushups, but I did push ups before my toilet visits. And I had a lot of toilet visits yesterday. Did a leg workout and jogged for 6 minutes! I have made the decision to start jogging 7 minutes from Monday onwards.

Walking: day 554
Took one walk of 38 min and a walk of 20 min with my girl in the evening.

Screentime: day 554
Total screentime on my smartphone yesterday was 1:43 from which 0:43 hours on Whatsapp (apping/calling with my girl) and 0:21 hours on the Internet (responded on NoFap, ordered some food)

Lying: day 105
It takes time to get to know yourself and to get, as NVC says, ‘needs literate’. You need to know what you actually need in feelings, actions and thoughts. In this way, you can be far more perceptive of the needs that other people experience.

Meditation: day 651
Meditated for 20 minutes

Language learning: day 212
I did 6 sentences and some book study!

PMO study: day 651
Read in YBOP about how, as of 2013, porn addiction was not internationally recognized as an addiction yet. The DSM that psychiatrists use stated that there was something called a hypersexuality disorder that men like us would have. We now know that doing PMO has nothing to do with libido and hypersexuality, as it triggers the reward center and depletes dopamine receptors. It was even measured that 16% of frequent PMO users reported a low libido, while 0% of the non-PMO users reported a low libido.

Sleep: day 509
Slept at 11 PM. Slept in one go. Have a slight neckache.

Healthy eating: day 509
Weighed myself at 93,6 kg. Made rice and chicken for dinner and bought some French fries. Made a chocolate bar for my girl and had a few bites.

Cold showers: day 544
I had two colder showers yesterday. It was actually quite easy to get back to it. It is uncomfortable at first, but you get used to it.
Yesterday, I had little energy and low mood. To get myself to do things, I tried to be kind to myself and do just a little bit of my usual tasks. It works fine. For example, I did only 15 min easy cardio, skipped cold shower, reduced learning sessions, ... etc
I used to just do nothing and relapse to my old unhealthy patterns while in this state. It's good progress.

Today, feeling the opposite, energetic and determined. therefore, I challenged myself in all tasks up to now.

Still eating too little and infrequently, this is leading to a host of benefits: better mood and energy, needed weight loss, and I believe reduced urges esp. to sexual habits.

Inspired by JoeBimbo, I am starting to practice French. We study it in high school but I never make use of it.. Also it's fun with Duolingo.

it's day 10 without any PMO or fantasies. even the frustrating urges after waking up is no longer happening.
I walked few,today some gray clouds here.
Sleep got stable,around 6 hours.
I woke up 1 time in night.
Very little energy was recharged.No rest.
Low physical and mental energy.
A Midle cold symptoms today

Mental health
Well, it hasn't improved at all.

No anxiety attack,at moment.

There was no positive mood change.

Strong urges
I woke up with a strong desire,
I noticed the physical signs.
I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, with my hands by my head.
it soon passed.

Healthy Food
Ending day without wheat and sugar
Only natural foods.
No much industrialized, overprocessed foods.

Just one more day
First things first, click the "WATCH THREAD" button (to the right), make this your internet homepage, bookmark this web url, add this to your favorites, comment to receive alerts, or something because you're going to be visiting this thread every day for your check up!

I'll check up on you, you check up on me, we both check on the others. We will encourage each other until this thread eventually just fades, but I will keep going until it's just me left. I will keep updating this thread DAILY no matter what. I don't care if no one visits this thread anymore, I will humbly keep going until the END. Hopefully though, you all decide to stay by my side and the rest of the brothers who are participating.

Introduce yourself! Let's hear your tips/advice, your story, your problems, your solutions, your success, your streak, and so on. I will listen, and so will others. For example, what day are you on? What are some positive things you did today? How did you resist your urge today? What made you start NoFap? How are you feeling? What is something that you've learned about NoFap today? A science article? Etc..
All topics about NoFap is allowed.

I like every comment of yours because I'm listening, and because
I'm here for my brothers! I want to deeply get to know all of you :emoji_slight_smile:
Let this be a brotherhood of men who want to become the best possible versions of ourselves.:emoji_green_heart:


Personal Journey

Edit 1/20/2020: I am so glad how successful and popular this thread has become. I love how many people it reached, how many people this is going to help, how many people this will impact. Really great stuff.

Edit 2/2/2020: So many people are not coming back every day and doing their daily check up. This is bad. If you are seeing this, make a commitment! Trust me, when you make a commitment to come back everyday and be actively engaged, you will notice your determination and your willingness to have longer/better streaks will increase tremendously. My average relapse time has went from 1-2 days, to 7-9 days since I started this thread. You can do it!

Edit 8/12/2020: Help.. Rock bottom.

Edit 3/1/2021: I'm still here. I'm trying every single day to quit this nasty pmo habit. I've failed hundreds of times, but I refuse to give up. It's been really really tough. I've quitted cigarettes and have quitted every drug you could imagine, and porn in my opinion is way harder to quit.

I've seen the worst of the worst porns out there, seen escorts, seen dominatrixes (bdsm you pay for), done live skype sex video calls, and spent tons of $$$$ on sex related businesses at the age of 20. This addiction has completely spiraled out of control. I truly believe I must be in the top 99% for porn/sex addiction.

My friends would of never in their life imagined that this nice guy is doing all this behind secret. I'm tired of it. I'm tired of all the opportunities i missed out on. I'm sick of all the chances with women I messed up with. I'm sick of all the social anxiety moments I had at gatherings and parties. I'm sick at all the damage my brain has went through. I'm sick of the depression, the loneliness, the pain, the addiction. I'm so fucking sick of all this bullshit!!

But guess what? I'm going do it this time. I really am. I've got too much to lose. I've got too many people counting on me. I've got too many dreams and aspirations. I've got too many goals. I've got too many things to experience in life to waste it on a 5 second orgasm.

Edit 7/28/2021: I now average 7-15 days before I relapse. Progress is slow my friends.

Edit 8/27/2022: It's been a couple months. I almost gave up. I found a loophole with IOS screen time on my iphone where can I watch P anytime no matter what, even though i had so many blockers. But you know what, I realized that no matter how many blockers in the world you have, you will still relapse because you will try to find a way to access P, if you never change your mindset. I've decided to just use my shill willpower and determination to get through this. It's not about motivation. Relapsing is very unmotivating. BUT it's ABOUT DRIVE. YOU BECOME AMAZING THROUGH DRIVE AND PERSEVERENCE. YOU DON'T BECOME GREAT THROUGH MOTIVATION, IT'S DRIVE! KEEP GOING NO MATTER WHAT. I WILL CONQUER THIS, I WILL BE SUCCESSFUL! Let's go!

Edit 05/12/2023: Hey guys, I am now so officially done with porn and masturbating. I have found real love and have been struggling with Erectile dysfunction with her at the age of 22. I really love this girl.. she's the world to me, and she cried today thinking that i wasn't attracted to her because I couldn't get hard. It broke my heart I almost cried. But she's so cute, caring, helpful, selfless, smart.. I could go on.. I see a potential future with her. I think today is the day I decide thst Im not gonna let porn win against love, sorry. She is literally an angel sent from heaven. This is it boys, I stop here for real. Please. God, I need this.

Edit 05/22/2024: It's been 5 years. I've liked over 8,000 replies. I've failed dozens if not a hundred times. But still I try. Still I push.
I have now had a girlfriend for almost a year now. I'm glad she's in my life because she's helping me to become a better version of myself truly. She knows about my bad habits, and she helped me quit smoking and she actively monitors my P consumption. Sometimes I do lie when I consume P because it hurts her when I watch it. I do feel guilty because she makes me a very happy person and I don't like to lie. More good news, I'm making well over six figures at the moment. I've been working really hard because I love what I do, I'm blessed. I've just been grinding really hard because I need to make a lot of money as soon as possible so I can use this money for other ventures. I also need money for a 20k surgery but I want to make sure that I can financially take that hit with no problem. I have in return been sacrificing my health. I've gained quite a lot of weight, and to be honest, my porn addiction is still pretty bad. I have been careless the past months about my P addiction because I think I'm kind of in a state of acceptance. It's almost like I'm starting to accept that this addiction will always be a part of my life? and I'm working my life around it? I'm sorry. I've let myself down and you guys down because I haven't been doing the best with this.

My highest streak so far: 25 days (October 2021)


Start your journey off with my favorite motivational video. Please watch. It's only 1 minute.

As you lay on your death bed, how will you feel? Will you feel accomplished or will you feel as if you lived a life of many regrets? If you live a life unaccomplished with many regrets, your dreams and everything you've ever wanted to do will die with you. It's that simple. So take action today and work on living your best life! This all starts with NoFap.


*Note: There is no "membership". Yes we try to hold people accountable, but we're just helping each other out. Everyone is free to post, and free to stop whenever.
Day 1 lets get it