Ahhh shit, here we go again!

Variegated Lemon

A while ago I was on here and found pretty good success, I think I got to like 120 days or something. Not sure what caused it but I relapsed and haven't looked back, well until now that is!

I remember the struggles last time and expect to have them again so I'm hoping to use my experience to my advantage. Here is what I'll be doing and I would love for anyone reading this to join me on this (difficult) journey:

1. Start with low goals then aim higher as I crush them! I am only aiming for 10 days fap free to start but when I get there I will set a new goal.

2. Each mile stone I will reward myself, progressively with bigger rewards at notable achievements. 10 - Eat out for dinner, 30 - cheat weekend from running, 60 - not sure yet, 100 - vacation!!!

3. Daily Updates: every day post my update, coming one here was a reminder of what I was doing and knowing I had to post the truth tomorrow helped me fight urges so this will be the first thing I do each morning moving forwards!

And finally I would love to have some people to walk this journey with. I remember the most helpful thing last time was knowing someone else was coming every couple of days to check how I was doing. I would love to be a part of your journey, and have you as a part of mine, we can share this thread or you can start your own either way let's walk this path as part of a community.
Day zero I guess, not a full day yet but I'm posting every morning regardless. I'm doing fine, building resolve and being in here again helps. It's weird I feel like I almost use it as a way to fill time when I am bored. So I'm going to make sure to have things to work on/do when I am bored!
Day 2: no problem, thoughts but no urges. Found out I have COVID... Bummer but just worries about what to do through this isolation to keep my mind off of p.
Day 8: It's tough, If I remember correctly this period lasts for a week or two at least which is not fun and I wish it would end, but the only thing that will do that for me is time, so I just gotta stick it out.
You mean that you are having crazy urges? If that is the case, you can use that pent up energy to workout like crazy or do any other activity. Sometimes when I'm in the flatline I miss having those urges.
Day 9: Yeah I'm using it to try to be productive I raked leaves in my yard for an hour or two, went for a run, lifted, did some yoga. It's just hard sometimes. Still going strong though!
Get it man. I'm not too far off of you. I started Jan 4th. However I do have a girlfriend so I had an orgasm last week. But we've been trying to practice abstinence so I think it's gonna be a hot minute. Keep going my man
Thanks @End it I have been curious how other people hanle sex/intimate relations with a partner. I feel like having the orgasm might make it harder to resist masterbation but at the same time I don't see anything wrong with being sexually active and not masturbating, I can't imagine it makes not jerking it any easier is really my point I guess. Regardless, thanks for the support!

19 days!!!!