New Fapstronaut
***Note: I understand that there is a separate thread for "New Fapstronauts", but since I don't care too much for the whole social welcome/introductory phase I decided to dive straight into the deep-end here and spill the beans right off the bat. Actually, it's not that I don't care, I do, it's just that right now time is of the essence and I need specific information quickly so that, if I need to, I can get on the right track and continue the battle. In all honesty, nothing else matters at the moment. I NEED to know.
As you might have already noticed, this post is quite an elaborative one, however, I believe this is necessary in order to explain thoroughly so that you may provide me, in turn, with a proper, knowledgable answer. Keep in mind that I'm not trying to digress or "beat around the bush" per-say, I just really think certain details should be mentioned before any conclusion is to be made in terms of my current reboot attempt. You may not agree, so please thouroughly consider this before deciding to read on. Thank you.***
Hello there, stranger. Thank you for clicking on my very first post. With much hope, whatever words that are exchanged from here on out will not only benefit myself, but you as well. Here is my reboot story thus far...
I began my Porn/Masturbation/Orgasm abstinence on January 1st, 2018 - for "obvious reasons" (referring to both the date and the decision to abstain) - with the intention to abstain for as long as I am able to. I became a so-called "Fapstronaut" nine day later, on the tenth of January.
To explain myself, I would like to specify that at the time that I am writing this, it has been a full 28 days since I have last consciously and/or willfully done the following:
#1. Accessed pornography
#2. Masturbated or sexually-stimulated myself
#3. Induced an orgasm
If I may, please reconsider the significance of the conditional statement:
"...since I have last consciously and/or willfully done the following..."
Do you see what I mean, that is, in relation to the title of this post? (If you don't, go back and re-read the title of this post and then read the conditional statement - multiple times, if need be - within the surrounding textual contents.)
To explain myself even further...
So yes, it is defiantly, 100% true. I have experienced all three of those rather "dirty acts" during the past month of January and I cannot deny them. The deeds have been done and cannot be reversed. Therefore, without further adieu, the million-dollar question remains:
"Have my experiences (either conscious, unconscious, or both) entailed a relapse in my ongoing Porn/Masturbation/Orgasm Reboot?"
Once you have your answer, please explain your reasoning.
However, before you write me your opinion, consider this: What if I told you that, within no more than a minute or two (usually just a matter of seconds) of becoming aware of my surroundings, I was able to resist the colossal temptation and discontinue whatever filthy activity I was engaged in at the time? Would that change your mind? Anyway, what I am trying to ultimately convey here is that although I haven't been able to completely avoid the temptations, I've been successful in rapidly terminating them during their initial stages.
In conclusion, regardless if you've made up your mind that I need to reset my day counter immediately and continue to do so whenever I spontaneously catch myself in the "dirty acts" or if you tell me that I should be proud of my strong-will to become successful with my PMO abstinence and the courage to push onward with my reboot, can't we all agree that there's something to be said for an individual who, while committing and enjoying a sexual-related act, is able to overrule their erotic/lustful thoughts, and just cancels that shit right then and there?
That is all. Thank you for taking the time to read this. It means quite a bit to me...and my future depends on it. Good luck to you, stranger.
P.S. Due to the fact that I have only been a member of NoFap for less than 3 weeks, I still have a very basic knowledge of the site and its various "nooks and crannies" of information. That being said, there's quite a decent chance that, perhaps, these rules or guidelines of rebooting have been overlooked by yours truly and were there all along. If that is the case, then please let me know and link them to me down bellow.
As you might have already noticed, this post is quite an elaborative one, however, I believe this is necessary in order to explain thoroughly so that you may provide me, in turn, with a proper, knowledgable answer. Keep in mind that I'm not trying to digress or "beat around the bush" per-say, I just really think certain details should be mentioned before any conclusion is to be made in terms of my current reboot attempt. You may not agree, so please thouroughly consider this before deciding to read on. Thank you.***
Hello there, stranger. Thank you for clicking on my very first post. With much hope, whatever words that are exchanged from here on out will not only benefit myself, but you as well. Here is my reboot story thus far...
I began my Porn/Masturbation/Orgasm abstinence on January 1st, 2018 - for "obvious reasons" (referring to both the date and the decision to abstain) - with the intention to abstain for as long as I am able to. I became a so-called "Fapstronaut" nine day later, on the tenth of January.
To explain myself, I would like to specify that at the time that I am writing this, it has been a full 28 days since I have last consciously and/or willfully done the following:
#1. Accessed pornography
#2. Masturbated or sexually-stimulated myself
#3. Induced an orgasm
If I may, please reconsider the significance of the conditional statement:
"...since I have last consciously and/or willfully done the following..."
Do you see what I mean, that is, in relation to the title of this post? (If you don't, go back and re-read the title of this post and then read the conditional statement - multiple times, if need be - within the surrounding textual contents.)
To explain myself even further...
Yes, there have been times in the last couple of weeks that I have caught myself googling various "modeling photos" of good-looking girls/women (the type you would commonly see at the gym or the beach, ex. 1980's California high-cut bikini surfing girls, Yes, there have been instances that, after coming to full-consciousness, I found myself thrusting my body against my bed and enacting the "missionary" sex position, and lastly Yes, indeed, there have also been occasions that I have awakened in the early morning hours to discover my PJ bottoms soaked in wet cum due to a nightly ejaculation + orgasm, a.k.a. a "wet dream".
So yes, it is defiantly, 100% true. I have experienced all three of those rather "dirty acts" during the past month of January and I cannot deny them. The deeds have been done and cannot be reversed. Therefore, without further adieu, the million-dollar question remains:
"Have my experiences (either conscious, unconscious, or both) entailed a relapse in my ongoing Porn/Masturbation/Orgasm Reboot?"
Once you have your answer, please explain your reasoning.
However, before you write me your opinion, consider this: What if I told you that, within no more than a minute or two (usually just a matter of seconds) of becoming aware of my surroundings, I was able to resist the colossal temptation and discontinue whatever filthy activity I was engaged in at the time? Would that change your mind? Anyway, what I am trying to ultimately convey here is that although I haven't been able to completely avoid the temptations, I've been successful in rapidly terminating them during their initial stages.
In conclusion, regardless if you've made up your mind that I need to reset my day counter immediately and continue to do so whenever I spontaneously catch myself in the "dirty acts" or if you tell me that I should be proud of my strong-will to become successful with my PMO abstinence and the courage to push onward with my reboot, can't we all agree that there's something to be said for an individual who, while committing and enjoying a sexual-related act, is able to overrule their erotic/lustful thoughts, and just cancels that shit right then and there?
That is all. Thank you for taking the time to read this. It means quite a bit to me...and my future depends on it. Good luck to you, stranger.
P.S. Due to the fact that I have only been a member of NoFap for less than 3 weeks, I still have a very basic knowledge of the site and its various "nooks and crannies" of information. That being said, there's quite a decent chance that, perhaps, these rules or guidelines of rebooting have been overlooked by yours truly and were there all along. If that is the case, then please let me know and link them to me down bellow.
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