Always listening to music/watching netflix. A distraction?

Raven King

I've noticed many of my friends always have air pods in their ears or keep the TV/streaming service on. Is it because they are afraid of silence? Afraid of their own thoughts? Personally, I like some quiet time around me, but it seems most of my friends find it uncomfortable. Why do you think that is?
I'll tell you my 2 cents: I listen to over 24h of music each week, which is undeniably a lot, but I also can appreciate quiet and silence. I just feel better when there is a background noise cause it helps me focus on the present. If anything, it helps me face my thoughts better. Don't judge a book by its cover :)
I'll tell you my 2 cents: I listen to over 24h of music each week, which is undeniably a lot, but I also can appreciate quiet and silence. I just feel better when there is a background noise cause it helps me focus on the present. If anything, it helps me face my thoughts better. Don't judge a book by its cover :)

Glad that you can enjoy both. With some of my friends though it's non-stop. Even listening to music/podcasts when going to sleep. I don't think it's healthy.
I went to the market today to get some milk and the cashier was mumbling things quietly and I was hoping he wasn't saying something important, because I couldn't hear him at all. I've been to this market many times, and the men there often talk really, really quietly, and I have to ask them to repeat what they said. But then I looked up and saw that he had airpods in and I think he was on the phone! Can't say I was surprised, really, but man, that just seems extremely unprofessional to me.