So with this post I am going to go into detail just to get this whole story straight. I’m 15 and have been watching normal straight porn and lesbian porn for about a year and a half I stopped watching porn around 3 weeks ago but have relapsed a couple times and my PIED is going away slowly but surely. After doing research on hocd I’ve realized that I’ve always had it, my first time realizing i had hocd was around 6th or seventh grade when I was playing waterpolo in the pool and played against a girls team I never saw their bodies because at the time I hadn’t started puberty and wasn’t interested in sex but I definitely found her face attractive, in the shower that night I thought “I can’t be gay because I really liked that girl” even though at the time I had never had a gay thought or attraction to anyone of the same sex. Around end of 7th grade my friend was making fun of this kid about him not knowing if he was gay or straight and I thought to myself jeez I wish I was confident that I was straight even though again I had never liked someone of the same sex. By ninth grade I was watching porn almost everyday (more than once a day) and was loving it and was very confident that I was straight and did not think about it much at all , but I’m health one day we had a unit on sexuality and this gay kid at my school talked about him coming out and his story and I then thought to myself well fuck I was so confident that I was straight and now that this kid talked about his story of being gay I’m afraid something like that might happen to me. I brushed that thought aside and didn’t think about it much after a couple days. I’m pretty sure I was in love that year with a girl I still think about to this day. Anyway around a month ago I stared to get PIED really bad(porn induced erectile disfuntion) and thought what the heck why am I not getting hard am I gay? So I looked at gay porn and saw no more than a little bit of rising at the end of my penis and I’ve been in a terrible head space ever since. I’ve aleays liked girls and have been turned on by girls what is going on with my me. I really don’t want to go into detail here but I fell this is kinda an important factor here, I’ve always like butt stuff as weird as it sounds sometimes while masturbating I get the urge to go in my butt as well(sorry). At first I was terrified of being gay absolutely horrified now I get sad .Most people with hocd said that they have “rituals” and I know exactly what they mean because I know that i have had them and only stopped doing them when I started to try to beat this hocd I’m pretty sure I have. Hocd treatment says to try to accept your thoughts and that’s what I have been doing and I’ve pretended to just be gay for like 5 minuetss and it doesn’t feel right but In my mind when I think about being gay I feel a little weird but not terrified, I’ve been thinking I’m bi and that just doesn’t seem like me. Has anyone been in this situation? Can I email someone personally about this ? Sorry it’s so long also