am I really going to stop ?

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by heretostop, Jun 27, 2017.

  1. heretostop

    heretostop New Fapstronaut

    it's annoying having a boner 24/7 feeling the need to M and then feeling the shame and regret .. for the past 1 year i was M like twice a day being .. lately ive been noticing that my hair is starting to fall off like crazy I'm getting so much skinnier everyday and thats the most annoying thing for me cuz i used to play sport a lot and i used to have a good physique .
    i think im done fappin for good .
  2. stopthefap

    stopthefap Fapstronaut

    know how you feel i'm new today and i can't stop. i've probably masturbated more times today since joining nofap, than i do on any other day. i feel like because i'm forbidding myself to masturbate it makes me want to do it more. so frustrated. really want to take control of this and get on with things
  3. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    Welcome to NoFap where you are amongst friends who are here to encourage you and sometimes challenge you but not judge you.

    The enemy is here to steal, kill and destroy. What are your current strategies for combating the enemy called PMO?