Hello all,
First of all I just want to say how fucking incredible this website is, and how much it has helped me in the last 3 years. Though I was never the kind to sign up and track my progress, the success page has always kept my hopes up through this whole journey, and without discovering this and YBOP I would still be in the same place for god knows how long.
A bit about myself - I am a 19 year old guy living in Cornwall, England. Generally very fit and active, and by no means what I would consider ugly guy, who has spent his entire upbringing incapable of sex or the ability to love anyone or anything. I probably discovered porn at around 12/13, and for the last 7 years I have been on a disgusting, sickening journey through the every alley and pathway porn sites have to offer. Although I was blissfully unaware, this instant means of satisfaction was slowly numbing me and my emotions, where even the little things I enjoyed as a child were simply chores I had to carry out each day in order to feel relevant to society. Socialising, nature, family, sports, you fucking name it. Only once you are past this stage do you really realise how much you are just drifting through life without any true feelings of accomplishment, or love. I won’t get into the details of what i watched, or how much I watched it, but I can safely say that my situation was as bad as the worst I’ve read on this website. Any attempt at sex throughout these past 3 years has been a miserable, embarrassing forced attempt at trying to sustain an erection with little to no satisfaction in the very rare cases it worked. The worst thing about it all is that I thought this was totally normal, and that as soon as I got home it didn’t matter, because I could turn on my computer and let it suck my soul and make me feel good again. I didn’t love anyone. Family, friends, girls, they were all just people who I talked to with no meaning. It was 3 years ago I stumbled upon this website.
I am writing this now 6 months after last watching any kind of porn.
When you first set out on this journey, it’s hard to imagine how difficult it’s actually going to be. It’s not just a case of feeling shocked, feeling shit then never watching porn again, it’s a constant struggle of your mind and body as your brain is starved of this amazing incredible thing that is the ultimate instant satisfaction right at your fingertips. I kept a journal of my streaks, the highest in the 3 years being 40 days, and I felt absolutely inhuman by that time. I was unbelievably attached to girls, I was (without effort) working out every day, learning to cook, doing well in college and not smoking weed. But what I know now is that it’s not a case of just going 40 days and expecting everything to be grand, not even a little bit. It needs to be a lifesyle, you cannot even consider that porn should even remotely be a part of your life. Cast away any thoughts such as ‘if I just watch it now, in 2 weeks I’ll feel back to the way I do now’ (one that repeatedly set my back). Something awful happened at the end of those 40 days, and my mind instantly leaped to porn as a way of dealing with the situation, which was when I knew I wasn’t cured. Something I’ve learned, is that if you turn to porn as a means of escaping every life situation, you can never grow as a person and deal with real life situations in a way a normal person would. This is why the times where the urges to watch porn are at their strongest, is the best time to heal and recover.
I’m getting off track - what 6 months has done for me.
The first 3 months of my porn free life was spent travelling Asia (typical gap year student I know). For most of that time I had no internet, and so was forced to deal with the withdrawals and the real life situations life would throw at me. I was thrown in at the deep end, but I can honestly say that without those 3 months travelling I would not be cured. It forced me to feel passionately about things, to think for myself, to constantly be connecting with people, and to miss my family like no fucking tomorrow. I had my biggest highs during that trip, but also the biggest lows. I cried for the first time in years within the 2nd month. Not just a little tear, I mean a full faced sob in my hostel room, bawling my eyes out in the middle of nowhere but feeling so amazing at the same time. I can only describe it as feeling human. This happened several times on the trip, each one making me stronger and happy that I could feel things once again, it was like being reborn. After I got home I had a down period, the shock of being in England wore off and I was back in my room where I used to jack off my days in isolation, except this time I felt no need to do such a thing.
Within a few weeks I met a girl. The most amazing, funny, kind and beautiful women I’ve ever met. We’ve been together for 2 months now, I am absolutely so much in love it makes me weird to talk about it all. Any trace of porn induced ED has gone, I can sustain strong erections for hours, and I am legitimately attracted to her; unlike before where I knew what a hot girl looked like, but couldn’t feel it. I would love to say that I am fully cured, but the truth is if you adopt that mindset you can never be sure you won’t go back. I am still on this journey, and am passionate about helping others on the way. After all, this website is the reason I’m writing this post.
I’ve left a lot out in this (far too long) post, but I think it covers most of the important bits. Never give up hope, I mean seriously, never give up hope. Time is the biggest healer, and the posts on this website should make it clear that nofap does work.
Please feel free to ask anything, I love you all.
Anonymous x
Here we are then, 2 years on from what sounded like a 'happily ever after' ending from my last past. I have to admit, it's a good feeling looking back at my younger self enjoying the fruits of a porn-free life for the first time. You get a thrilling high when you fall for a girl for the first time - something most of us don't get to experience until later in life when porn is the easy substitute of our youth, and it's satisfying reliving that moment through this forum. I feel a bit like a proud dad in a way.
I won't make this post very long, but I have some things to note after the last thread had such an incredible response (still makes me giddy).
To start this ramble, I want to talk about short-term highs. As we are all aware, watching porn is an intense high, perhaps one of the most intense and easily available highs in the world. When we become addicted to this high (the highest of highs), what's left in our lives HAS to be some kind of high, else nothing will come close to the feeling of watching porn. For me, watching porn came with the additional personality traits of smoking weed, gaming, social media etc, essentially nothing of true value encompassed my living. This isn't some revelation; every person on this website could agree that these traits come hand in hand with pornography. The point I want to make follows on from a line in first paragraph - 'You get a thrilling high when you fall for a girl for the first time'.
I won't get into the details, but the relationship with this girl recently ended after a long downward spiral. I think what bugs me now looking back at my old post is how I make out that quitting porn is a gateway into a life-long high, that you will find the girl of your dreams and have lovely long sex until the sun devours us all - THIS FEELING is a high, and will not last, and perhaps this realisation is more important than quitting porn itself. Having real sex is a high, relationships are a high, improving your life quality is a high, but this is all they are - highs. Once they disappear you have to be comfortable living life working on the mundane, or be comfortable being uncomfortable, then learning from it.
After the high of my relationship, I immediately went back to porn as I didn't know how else to deal with such an event, and for several weeks was living life as I used to as a young teen (wasting evenings away watching filth). It is horrible. What I didn't realise until after the relapse was just how much I had progressed as a person. I began finding people irritating, spending entire days on YouTube, drinking heavily - things I hadn't done in YEARS. My emotions reverted to a soulless numbing. But the lesson learned was to be comfortable in the uncomfortable, know that highs are temporary and that pain follows, and most importantly that this is living. You cannot live the highs without living the lows, and who'd want to live a flatlined life kept afloat by porn? From experience, not me.
I think what else this taught me is how this addiction never goes away. I talk in my post about it being a life-long battle, but I don't think I fully grasped the extent that this is meant. I was the definition of cured - 2 year relationship, bloody good sex, no urges - yet in the space of a few weeks I was completely back at square one. The only positive from the second time round being that I knew it was possible to escape, which I have again, and is a message I should drill into the minds of everyone on this site;
It is ALWAYS possible to recover, regardless of how many times you relapse or how far down the rabbit hole you are. You're all kings awaiting a better life.
Thanks again for your kind messages x