another success post!

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by monkotto, May 8, 2015.

  1. monkotto

    monkotto Fapstronaut

    hi fapstronauts,

    here is another success story. my journeys so far:

    first - 104 days hardmode (relapse: 3 times fapping with watching two hours porn)
    second - 114 days hardmode (relapse: 2 times fapping with a few pornpics)
    third - 73 days hardmode - current journey

    in total 291 days with 5 times masturbation. for a sex-and-porn-monster like me this is insane!

    i started hardmode by myself - after 4 days i found this forum. i cant describe how enormous this forum helped me in this brute fight.

    in the first three weeks i read posts like a maniac. i realized that there is something called pornaddiction! damn i was not alone. and this forum showed me that a cure is possible.

    this forum is full with knowledge about pornaddiction.

    my most important experiences/insights...

    1 - dont panic you will have many wet dreams, they are a part of this challenge.

    2 - dont panic after relapsing - just dont binge! start again.

    3 - read success stories over and over again!

    4 - always tell yourself:
    "i have the choice to watch or to avoid porn - no one is forcing me to watch this fake and damaging stuff!"

    5 - dont blame the porn industry! there is no porndirector standing behind you with a gun in his hand and forcing you to watch his "valuable art" called porn! we are not victims of the porn industry, we are victims of our own (uncontrolled) passion. we are visiting porn websites consciously, we are moving the mouse!

    6 - do sports - the best substitute for sex and porn.

    7 - find a real hobby. doing sports is not a hobby it is a part of life.
    hobbies for example: watching soccer, playing guitar, cooking, baking bread, dancing in your room, walking like robocop etc.

    8 - the most important facts for me are:
    i dont want to watch other people having sex - while sitting alone in front of a pc-screen and spanking the monkey!
    i want real sex with real women IN REAL LIFE. hell yeah i want real relationships!
    furthermore i want to stop pollution caused by enormous use of toilet paper!

    9 - help new fapstronauts. this move supports your own reboot.

    10 - dont snivel like a three-year-old. this is not a pony farm. this is sparta! ;)

    be strong and stand up after a relapse.
    i will add some good and helpful threads to this post.
    there are many (many many many!) excellent threads in this forum.

    thanks to all mods for the work they are doing here.
    here some flowers for the mods...
    (caution: the music in the following video can cause ear-cancer!)



    if you are a nofap-greenhorn, read the following thread every morning before breakfast.
    it is helpful and informative.
    Last edited: May 17, 2015
    wally_s, M L, Kurapika and 5 others like this.
  2. DannyCool

    DannyCool Fapstronaut

    This is the ultimate in strength and understanding in my opinion. If I can have compassion for strong emotions even if I indulge in them then I won't be judgemental to others. So much respect. Love. Danny.
    monkotto likes this.
  3. Cooldude4

    Cooldude4 Fapstronaut

    Great post, keep it going
    monkotto likes this.
  4. NoMoreFapTimeForChange

    NoMoreFapTimeForChange Fapstronaut

    Yes thanks you for sharing.
    monkotto likes this.
  5. Menofap22

    Menofap22 Fapstronaut

    More inspiration! this is awesome! this is Sparta!! :)
    monkotto likes this.
  6. KeenEye

    KeenEye Fapstronaut

    I'll walk like robocop from now on :D

    Congratulations Monkotto! you're killing it. But where are the beneftis?!! you didn't mention the part where half the girls in your city run around your magnetic sexual aura, or the part where they call you " Monkotto the Lycanthrope" because of your new strength and agility. No pressure, of course.
  7. monkotto

    monkotto Fapstronaut

    watch twenty times robocop (the real robocop from 1987) in succession and copy his moves. you can use this moves at work or at school.

    "magnetic sexual aura" what is that?! i have the magnetic sexual aura of an old coffee maker. still waiting for the girls. ;)
    Last edited: May 17, 2015
    KeenEye likes this.
  8. KeenEye

    KeenEye Fapstronaut

    hahah I may have exaggerated, but my question was: where are the benefits? it's tradition on nofap to mention the benefits on success stories
    BlackCoffee_ likes this.
  9. Newman2day

    Newman2day Fapstronaut

    One of the key points in this post."THE CHOICE IS YOURS!" You really don't have to look at this stuff or think about it.Starting off it is difficult to do.But I believe I am 2 weeks in this is the longest i've ever gone.And as long as I don't deliberately think about it.The urges aren't really that bad when they do come which hasn't been that often.But if I look at something for too long or dwell on a lustful thought, The urge will come on in a strong way.It seems and I'm starting to see the truth in your mind and body getting used to not having that anymore.But one of the strongest points to remember is your power of CHOICE! Use it to your advantage! It can be done! Great post by the way.
    monkotto likes this.
  10. monkotto

    monkotto Fapstronaut

    benefits? you mean superpowers?

    ok...what happened in 83 days...

    i can run like a cheetah, i have muscles like the rock, i can play soccer like CR7, i can play guitar like slash, i can sing like justin bieber and i can fly like superman.

    enough benefits keeneye? ;)

    now serious...

    i feel free - the compulsion (to pmo) is vanishing. this is very important for me. i am transforming to a "normal" and relaxed guy - like i was before pornaddiction.

    but i have still some shitty whithdrawals: strong headaches, lack of concentration and insomnia.
    Last edited: May 18, 2015
    KeenEye and Newman2day like this.
  11. Newman2day

    Newman2day Fapstronaut

  12. Newman2day

    Newman2day Fapstronaut

    Mind you I've been at this PMO'ing since I was like 16.I am now 39 and Getting ahold of all this info.And in two weeks I can tell the difference in my urges seriously settling down.I honestly am just tired of giving in.This addiction has altered my life in a very bad way.This is such a silent problem most everyone thinks it's just normal to do.And it isn't.Not calling anyone a freak or anything.Hey we're all here with the same issue.Porn is not ok as many think it is.Its very damaging to the person doing it and other people around them.And I will tell you I've thought of and whacked off to some of the most twisted stuff ever! So just putting that out there cause I'm sure there's people on here that think they've done the worst.Porn and masturbating is I believe of the strongest drug there is.And the easiest to get a high from cause you don't have to go anywhere to get it.Just turn on your imagination lock the door and BAM! So no matter how long you've been addicted.If your here today that's another day to start afresh.No matter how many times you've tried and failed.Be like Rocky man!!! He gets the crap beat out of him but keeps getting up and coming back! Keep that mentality! And get on with it!
  13. If I'll sing like Justin Bieber after completing the 90 days no MO, I'll just go back to watching porn and masturbating, thank you very much. :D :D
    KeenEye and Kurapika like this.
  14. monkotto

    monkotto Fapstronaut

    right - porn is extrem easy to receive. the internet offers endless free stuff. never thought it will be so damaging in the end. in the beginning it was just some "harmless" fun. then watching more and more - harder and harder stuff. waiting for new stuff on my favorite-pornsite like a junkie. now i can realize what it did to my brain. i am 37.

    i am a big justin fan. i have all his albums - and i can sing each song. you must embark yourself into his music! ;)
    Last edited: May 19, 2015
  15. How about no? :D
    monkotto likes this.
  16. Dan1

    Dan1 Fapstronaut

    All I can say is thank you man... knowledge really is power...
    monkotto likes this.