I always had problems falling asleep, it takes me hours. When I'm asleep I wake up at the slightest noises around me. I wanted to try: - turning off my digital devices two hours before going to sleep. - Not eating two hours before sleep. Any other tips? Or corrections on my ideas?
Practice meditation before bed, for at least ten minutes. Sleep is 100% mental and will come naturally if you calm your mind.
I have issues going to sleep at night as well hence why is 5 in the morning and I'm still awake. Melatonin worked for awhile, zquil worked for awhile. Drinking some liquid sleep (liquor) is probably the fastest and most consistent way for me to sleep. Aside from all that I've avoided drinking any sort of caffeinated drinks and eating before 8. Work out extra hard around 9 after a long relaxing shower I fall asleep pretty easily. Laying in bed and relaxing every part of my body attempting to slow my heart rate essentially meditating this way works pretty well most of the time.
I might try the melatonin in the end. My guess though: If I'd avoid screentime for some time before sleep, the melatonin would kick in naturally, it might get's blocked from the blue light my monitor and cellphone emits. There is a program called f.lux. It will decrease the blue colors from your monitor at a certain time, I'd recommend it. Edit: I'm living in quite a busy area and it never really gets dark around here. Do you have any experience with darkening your room or sound isolation?
About dark room, u don't have persiennes or something similar? My phone automaticaly swap to night mode (warm colors), i used also flux and it's very efective, you can give it a try.
https://www.sleepassociation.org/patients-general-public/insomnia/sleep-hygiene-tips/ Here's a lot of data on sleep hegiene
Well... I do have those. I'm living on the 4th floor and there's a street light near my window. The persiennes I'm having cannot be shut completely and I can't replace them because I rent the flat.
It takes at least a week for the effects of caffeine to wear off, or at least, to get over the addiction. It majorly messes with your sleep. Cold showers are nice. If you are tired they give you a spike of energy but then your body becomes more relaxed than after a hot shower. Yes, Exercise. Also are you perhaps going to bed too early? My wife has a messed up sleep schedule. She goes to bed too early, falls asleep for a few hours, wakes up, snacks, reads, sleeps a few hours, repeats. I quickly fall into this same schedule. Feeling tired early from fragmented sleep the night before... but not really being tired enough to really sleep
It's all about routine. I used to have some difficulty falling asleep too. But then I forced myself into a routine: PJs, then reading for a few minutes, then meditating, then bed. Now when I get to the meditation part of my routine my body is already getting in to sleep mode.
I find mediation and reading helps too. If I don't do those, I always make time to stretch and do a few slow deep breaths to relax. I also used to drink almost every night with my meal, now I've slowed to once a week or less, that helped also!
I drink some herbal tea that is made for helping people fall to sleep, so that might be something to consider. Ot isn't addictive so no need to worry about that. Also a simple thing to try is to buy a new set of pillows, and listen to relaxing music/white noise.
I got my sleep in order when i stoped drinking coffe after 4 pm, and started to exercise for at least three times a week. I suggest you dont take any cuz you are potencialy adding one new addiction to your life!
Thank you for starting this thread. I've had issues sleeping for the past 20 months. My ex and I broke up early last year and I couldn't sleep more than 3 hours straight for about 4 months. I began to take zzzquil but did last very long. It has been a long time since then but I'm still having trouble falling asleep and staying asleep. I'm not even sure if I had a day this year where I slept 8 hours or more straight. I'm not sure what to do.