Any way to stop this?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by yeaa2005, Aug 17, 2020.

  1. yeaa2005

    yeaa2005 New Fapstronaut

    Since I started this streak/run, I've been very sick, sneezing a lot, runny, stuffy nose, insomnia and now even nausea which made me post this to seek any help or tips. Now, I do have a dust allergy, but the reactions last only for a couple hours, but when they last for 2 weeks and such a large magnitude then it's another story. Plus, It's summer, so having a cold is also out of the option. Is this how far the withdrawal symptoms go? Is there any way to stop this?
  2. Cathcart22

    Cathcart22 Fapstronaut

    I can guarantee you that you are just sick. You can get a cold during the summer, they’re just more frequent in winter due to more people being inside. If those symptoms are actually being caused by withdrawal from PMO you need to see an actual doctor!!
    thinking_differently likes this.
  3. thinking_differently

    thinking_differently Fapstronaut

    Nope. Withdrawal shouldn’t have anything to do with cold.
    You’ve just started with your streak yes? So you won’t have withdrawal symptoms so soon.

    If you’re having difficulty to breathe, and if you’re sick, you should Check up. Don’t prolong. Act immediately. It could be any Viral infection.
    Cathcart22 likes this.
  4. I can guarantee you (almost) that this is not withdrawal syndrome!

    You need to get medically examined asap!
  5. Cold-like symptoms can sometimes indeed become a hallmark of withdrawal symptoms. For proof, Google the physiology of withdrawals and do some research on cortisol and Serotonin levels in states of severe withdrawal.

    If the symptoms go away within 2-3 days and your phlegm doesn't have a coloured residue in it, then it's likely an allergy. You say that these symptoms have lasted for 2 weeks, so I doubt that this is a dust allergy. Also, your assertion that a cold cannot happen in summer is very wrong. Viruses and bacteria are active throughout the year.

    Fortunately, your symptoms do not seem to indicate a Coronavirus infection, so that should offer some degree of comfort. I would suggest that you visit a doctor for this and use a mask regardless. Being sick is a great time to get more sick.

    Keep me updated please.