anybody else watches cartoons ?

do u think cartoons are helpful in fighting pmo urges ?

  • yes

    Votes: 11 68.8%
  • no

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • not sure but will give it a try.

    Votes: 3 18.8%

  • Total voters

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if yes then which ? i love to watch scooby doo cartoons and movies and also the cartoon series of Tintin.
though there are certain cartoons which are very adult in nature, i think most cartoons are really wholesome and can definitely keep ur mind off pmo and help during urges.
any thoughts ?
I love Southpark. It's my favorite television show. The perfect mix of satire, rudeless humor, world news / political themes and animation.
Have been an avid fan of cartoons and animation in general since I was a kid. Find it difficult to get into modern western shows, but have a big catalog of classics on my pc I can turn to in bad times. Samurai jack, Dexter’s lab, seasons 1-3 of spongebob, Tom and jerry, and a bunch of looney tunes episodes. If it’s a piece of media you like, and can give it your full attention, it can most certainly help keep you away from the harmful stimuli of adult life.
I still enjoy old cartoons, even kid's. The main qualifications for me to watch are good music/animation style. CGI cartoons are crap imo.
I sometimes watch pokemon for the nostalgia. I mostly watch adult cartoons now like Family guy or American dad. Rick and Morty is my new favorite.

I'm not sure if watching cartoons will help you reboot, but at the very least they can serve as a distraction. Just make sure you get up and do something when the urges come.
For me, it does nothing to help with NoFap. But, oh yes, I love cartoons! Unfortunately, I find it hard to find ones that make me laugh.
Totally I love them, I wanted to make cartoons since I was 10. Didn’t end up on that career path but I still draw and animate for fun. Cartoons are amazing especially the ones the ones made by people passionate about story telling. Avatar The Last Air Bender, Gravity Falls, Samurai Jack, Troll Hunters. there so much good stuff Old and new mixed in with the cash grab garbage.