Anybody tried water fasting or juice fasting?


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Three day water fast supposedly resets immune system. So might be good idea for people who get sick often. Longer ones supposedly resets the whole hormonal system. Might help reboot faster.

I have done so far 3.5 day water fast. Back when I relapsed I find it helps a lot to get back in check. Also pulls me out of brain fog and flatline. Like always when I enter in flatline I just do 3 day water fast and boom I'm back to normal again. While otherwise it might last weeks. Same goes for periods with big urges, it just resets everything back to normal. It's like magic really.

There might be a reason why celibate monks and yogis fast so much. I just started to read books by Dr. Herbert M. Shelton on Orthopathy. Some interesting stuff. I wanna eventually do longer water fast. Anybody has experience with this?
I have never tried a straight up water fast, but I do drink 1-1.5 gallons of water a day and I feel more energized and focused. Water is essential to the function of the human body so I highly recommend drinking at least a gallon a day!
I have never tried a straight up water fast, but I do drink 1-1.5 gallons of water a day and I feel more energized and focused. Water is essential to the function of the human body so I highly recommend drinking at least a gallon a day!
Yea, hydration is essential. But it's not really about drinking more water, it's about eating less so the body can use it's energy for repairing all the damage instead of using that energy for digestion.
I do it at least 3 times a week with High intensity exercise ,It's a great way to burn fat
You ate every other day or something? As a form of intermittent fasting?

Yea, fat burn is hot! I lost a lot of fat by not eating for 3.5 days too. But it's not really about weight loss but about healing benefits. Healing our brain from PMO and resetting our hormonal system.
Yea, hydration is essential. But it's not really about drinking more water, it's about eating less so the body can use it's energy for repairing all the damage instead of using that energy for digestion.

You ate every other day or something? As a form of intermittent fasting?

Yea, fat burn is hot! I lost a lot of fat by not eating for 3.5 days too. But it's not really about weight loss but about healing benefits. Healing our brain from PMO and resetting our hormonal system.

On my side it's about weight loss mainly so that I make weight during comps or if I have a fight coming up

But yes the health benefits are amazing
I'm thinking of doing a fast. There are two options iv been told about.

1. Fast one day a week for 24 hrs, or
2. Fast 16 hrs every day and eat all my calories over an 8 hrs period.
What you are talking about is intermittent fasting. That is very healthy for you but still not the same thing as fasting for extended period of time. Like 3, 7, or even 30 days on nothing but water. The health benefits are not the same. Nonetheless it's still a great way how to get used to it at first or maintain health. And not everybody can take many days off from life to do long water fasts. That's what juice fasting is for. It replicates many of the same benefits but also provides energy so you don't have to take a break from life. I would say 90 day juice fast will have way more healing benefits than daily intermittent fasting.

When I personally ate I do try to reach 23 hour fast and then get all my calories within one huge meal. Sometimes it does not work and I ate for longer. But extremely rare my eating window is more than 4 hours. I would recommend the longer daily fasts the better, if that's what you gonna do. And fasting every day for around 20 hours is in my opinion better than fasting once a week for around 20 hours. Cos you getting more fasts in.

That's intermittent fasting tho. But if your goal is prolonged water fasts then starting with just one day a week would be sufficient. Then eventually extend to 48 hours, then 72, etc. You can stop eating at Thursday evening, fast all Friday in work/school (cos one day will not deplete you of energy) then continue on weekends (usually no work/job for people so if you have weakness due to lack of calories it won't bother you) and break that fast with a breakfast meal at Monday morning before you go to work/school. That would be about 84 hours of water only fast if you would stop at 7 pm Thursday and start ate again at 7 am Monday.

Then ate normal the rest days of the week. If people would do that every week I think it would have way more benefits than daily 16 hour or even 23 hour fasts.
I think staying away from juices is a good idea. They’re mostly sugar water.

Water fasting doesn’t seem like a good idea. Need it to clean out the system.

Complete fasting from foods for at least a day on a regular basis I think is a very good idea.

I wish I could stay away from desserts 100%!!!!! I’m having a harder time with that right now than staying away from PMO.
I wanna eventually do longer water fast. Anybody has experience with this?

Yes, I have tried fasting several times, once up to three weeks. As more often you do, as easier the body can switch into fasting mode. It is for example much easier, if you prepare with empty bowels from first day on.
(by strong laxatives like Glauber´s Salt or enemas)
If it is done right, you may feel appetite, but no nagging hunger at all. If you do without any juices at all, it´s important that you have some other vegetable liquids or bit honey sweetened tea for not letting drop down your blood sugar too much probably and also to get some salt/minerals by vegetable brewings. (doing strictly water fasting is very difficult and rather unhealthy, I would not try it the first time)
Best would be, if you have at least one whole free week to try it, I would absolutly not recommand it during any work or serious study times, before being really used to it.

Do it after a written manual by someone competent. I used a book for my second successfull attempt, also with some meal (like the vegetable brew) suggestions, how to best prepare and most important, how to restart eating again. You can reboot your eating habits best then. It´s also great for breaking and quitting daily smoking/coffeeine/alcohol or, well, porn use.

First time I tried it together with a friend without any clear instructions, just many bottles of juices and we both failed gloriously after two and four days.
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Three day water fast supposedly resets immune system. So might be good idea for people who get sick often. Longer ones supposedly resets the whole hormonal system. Might help reboot faster.

I have done so far 3.5 day water fast. Back when I relapsed I find it helps a lot to get back in check. Also pulls me out of brain fog and flatline. Like always when I enter in flatline I just do 3 day water fast and boom I'm back to normal again. While otherwise it might last weeks. Same goes for periods with big urges, it just resets everything back to normal. It's like magic really.

There might be a reason why celibate monks and yogis fast so much. I just started to read books by Dr. Herbert M. Shelton on Orthopathy. Some interesting stuff. I wanna eventually do longer water fast. Anybody has experience with this?

A few questions for you.

Where do you get your information from about fasting for 3-4 days on only water? Id be careful with that, the brain needs glucose to function. We are also like a car, it needs petrol, oil, coolant, air and water. Your basically starving yourself of all nutrients needed for survival and good health. I know fasting has its benefits but I know nothing about fasting for 3-30 days so I can only go by opinion. I have a few questions for you.

How the hell do you do it? Do you have low appitite? A you usually a small eater or a depressed at the moment?

How do you feel during those 3-4 days ?

Thanks, im interested.
fasting for three or more days on nothing but water, are you crazy, how are you guys doing this? I would be lying on the floor in a darkened room shaking!!
I think staying away from juices is a good idea. They’re mostly sugar water.
Depends what kind of juices tho. One one end of extreme you could juice oranges and on another end of extreme you could juice celery. One has tons of sugar and other not so much, mostly just water. Or anything in between. The usual practice is to mix high sugar fruits with less sugary stuff like celery or cucumbers.
Yes, I have tried fasting several times, once up to three weeks. As more often you do, as easier the body can switch into fasting mode. It is for example much easier, if you prepare with empty bowels from first day on.
(by strong laxatives like Glauber´s Salt or enemas)
If it is done right, you may feel appetite, but no nagging hunger at all. If you do without any juices at all, it´s important that you have some other vegetable liquids or bit honey sweetened tea for not letting drop down your blood sugar too much probably and also to get some salt/minerals by vegetable brewings. (doing strictly water fasting is very difficult and rather unhealthy, I would not try it the first time)
Best would be, if you have at least one whole free week to try it, I would absolutly not recommand it during any work or serious study times, before being really used to it.

Do it after a written manual by someone competent. I used a book for my second successfull attempt, also with some meal (like the vegetable brew) suggestions, how to best prepare and most important, how to restart eating again. You can reboot your eating habits best then. It´s also great for breaking and quitting daily smoking/coffeeine/alcohol or, well, porn use.

First time I tried it together with a friend without any clear instructions, just many bottles of juices and we both failed gloriously after two and four days.
My first salt flush was accident. I made a mushroom broth with tons of salt, cos I like it that way, and the I realized what I have done lol.

What resources you would recommend for me to read and learn? Some books maybe?

Sweetened tea? But consuming calories is not really a "real fast", is it? Does your body still go in to that same deep cleaing state, Iike autophagy or whatever it's called, if we consume calories?
A few questions for you.

Where do you get your information from about fasting for 3-4 days on only water?
I am still kind of new to this. Not an expert yet, still learning. But I am mostly reading books by Dr. Herbert M. Shelton. The Science and Fine Art of Fasting is the one I'm reading now. Also Toxemia Explained by Dr. J. H. Tilden was another book I found interesting. Goes hand in had with the theory of fasting. Other than that I am just reading all kinds of stuff . I found this guy by name of Loren Lockman on Youtube. He runs a fasting clinic where he fasts people for 60 days and more. Supposedly heals all kinds of diseases. Other than that still looking for good resources myself.
Id be careful with that, the brain needs glucose to function. We are also like a car, it needs petrol, oil, coolant, air and water. Your basically starving yourself of all nutrients needed for survival and good health.
We make our own glucose if we have no food in our system. And we have tons of stored calories and nutrients within our body. So these will not run out in merely 30 days. What's interesting is that if we actually fast people who are deficient in nutrition their deficient decreases or goes away.
How the hell do you do it? Do you have low appitite? A you usually a small eater or a depressed at the moment?

How do you feel during those 3-4 days ?
Appetite is high once I go few hours after my normal eating time. But that "appetite" is in my head. Like a mental thing mostly. The same way a fatty craves a chocolate when on diet. Not cos they are hungry but cos craving is mental. The hunger in physical sense is not there really. In second day it becomes even more easier. No, I'm not depressed. And I am a big eater. It's not easy, takes discipline. But I find I naturally need less once I started to fast regularly. I guess my body's adjusting or something.

During first few fasts I felt like crap. Light head, some slight fewer, nausea and some other crappy feelings. I was doing by research so I knew these were just detox symptoms so I diod not freak out. That was on day 2. Then I started eating. Now I can go almost 4 days and I feel great. So I guess my body's adjusted and detoxified enough. You certainly gotta easy into this.
I think its pretty solid, what ere your thoughts?
I don't really know that much on juice fasting. I'm mainly learning and trying out water fasting for now. But the basic idea is to mix high sugar content fruits like oranges with lower sugar content plants like cucumbers. You don't want to be drinking pure sugar. But if you also gonna be eating with it then maybe don't have high sugar juices to begin with. Just juice greens. Cos in full juice fast we need sugar for energy. But if you are just supplementing food with juices then juices should be mainly for water and nutrients.

My question is what do you think about eating the skins of apples to get the fiber?

I always eat my apples with skins. Just don't juice the apple and then ate the skins lol. Just ate the whole apple then. The whole point of juice fasting is to separate fiber from juice so the body can have all the nutrition while not wasting energy on digestion. Then it can use that energy for healing instead. As well as supercharge it with tons of nutrients which would otherwise not be possible to consume due to just too much fiber - we could not physically ate that much. But we can drink it.
My first salt flush was accident. I made a mushroom broth with tons of salt, cos I like it that way, and the I realized what I have done lol.

What resources you would recommend for me to read and learn? Some books maybe?

Yes, or some good online guide for it. What I have done was fasting according "Buchinger" method.
I´ve got a small book in german by a friend. (probably pretty outdated now) I can do it now without any book at all, but I still have it somewhere.The method is pretty easy: It´s mostly first a preparation day with only salad and fruits. Then starting with emptying the bowels next day and drinking lots of water/unsweetened teas (no sugar or honey) all over the day. In the morning of next day a cup of green tea is allowed (if you really need some coffeine to get going) also with a small spoonfull of honey (because of the blood sugar). For "lunch" there is vegetable brew:no salt and selfmade by cooking the fresh vegetables long enough, but only to keep and drink some of the filtered brew. (sorry, but you are not allowed to eat the yummy cooked vegetables) For "dinner" a glass of applejuice is served (no orange or grapefruitjuice, too much acid) These brews, spoonfull of honey or glasses of juice will become daily highlights, because you will lust for any kind of taste sensation after some days.

Sweetened tea?

Yes, but only in the morning and just one small spoon of honey. (no sugar) :-D Believe me, you will be very happy allowing yourself at least this small spoon once per day.

But consuming calories is not really a "real fast", is it?

It surely is, because it is just a small amount of calories per day at all and just liquids, but it prevents you from getting a headache or even collapsing because of too low blood sugar. If you would do only water, it can become so difficult that you won´t last for longer than few days. While with the other method, I managed up to three weeks later. If your body gets once used to fasting, you probably can also try harder methods successfully, but I never did this myself.

Does your body still go in to that same deep cleaing state, Iike autophagy or whatever it's called, if we consume calories?

Yes, and you get the benefits without suffering like being in a strict punishment. What is also very important is to do regular exercises and work-outs from first day on. Not something too exhausting, but enough to keep your blood pressure up and your body in motion, it also prevents that the body starts to burn musclematerial instead fat for calories. But with these precautions mentioned you can realize, that the body can keep running just by its reserves pretty well. Best is also not to watch television, playing games or browsing web at all and just make it a recovering week, with lots of walks in nature, listening music, resting, introspection. So, it is 1 day preparation, 5 days fasting and 2-3 days fastbreaking, meaning to start eating again, but very careful and slowly. (it starts with just one cooked apple, and you will feel completly full after that) It´s nearly as important as the fasting itself doing this well, to keep the whole benefits of it. For doing this right, I would suggesting to get a book or something. But you can kinda reprogram your whole eating habits new with doing this. If I should find an english guide for it, that sounds similiar my own, I will post you the link.
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But your not actually feeling good from fasting. You cant say it now because if you where you would have said so already. If your not feel good during and after is it really worth it? Something to think about.
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You should check out his videos for the accurate information.

Don't listen to people here. Fasting is really a great idea and can do wonders if we are disciplined and follow it religiously.
Yes, or some good online guide for it. What I have done was fasting according "Buchinger" method.
I´ve got a small book in german by a friend. (probably pretty outdated now) I can do it now without any book at all, but I still have it somewhere.The method is pretty easy: It´s mostly first a preparation day with only salad and fruits. Then starting with emptying the bowels next day and drinking lots of water/unsweetened teas (no sugar or honey) all over the day. In the morning of next day a cup of green tea is allowed (if you really need some coffeine to get going) also with a small spoonfull of honey (because of the blood sugar). For "lunch" there is vegetable brew:no salt and selfmade by cooking the fresh vegetables long enough, but only to keep and drink some of the filtered brew. (sorry, but you are not allowed to eat the yummy cooked vegetables) For "dinner" a glass of applejuice is served (no orange or grapefruitjuice, too much acid) These brews, spoonfull of honey or glasses of juice will become daily highlights, because you will lust for any kind of taste sensation after some days.

Yes, but only in the morning and just one small spoon of honey. (no sugar) :-D Believe me, you will be very happy allowing yourself at least this small spoon once per day.

It surely is, because it is just a small amount of calories per day at all and just liquids, but it prevents you from getting a headache or even collapsing because of too low blood sugar. If you would do only water, it can become so difficult that you won´t last for longer than few days. While with the other method, I managed up to three weeks later. If your body gets once used to fasting, you probably can also try harder methods successfully, but I never did this myself.

Yes, and you get the benefits without suffering like being in a strict punishment. What is also very important is to do regular exercises and work-outs from first day on. Not something too exhausting, but enough to keep your blood pressure up and your body in motion, it also prevents that the body starts to burn musclematerial instead fat for calories. But with these precautions mentioned you can realize, that the body can keep running just by its reserves pretty well. Best is also not to watch television, playing games or browsing web at all and just make it a recovering week, with lots of walks in nature, listening music, resting, introspection. So, it is 1 day preparation, 5 days fasting and 2-3 days fastbreaking, meaning to start eating again, but very careful and slowly. (it starts with just one cooked apple, and you will feel completly full after that) It´s nearly as important as the fasting itself doing this well, to keep the whole benefits of it. For doing this right, I would suggesting to get a book or something. But you can kinda reprogram your whole eating habits new with doing this. If I should find an english guide for it, that sounds similiar my own, I will post you the link.
I googled "Buchinger fasting method" and I found Dr. Otto Buchinger, which I assume is the author who's book you are referring to? His books seems to have been translated in English but are out of print with old paperbacks costing few hundred bucks. I found a book called "Therapeutic Fasting: The Buchinger Amplius Method" by other author which seems to be only reasonably priced book on this method. I will probably get that one.

The idea of eating low calorie broths and juices seems appealing to me. Like a mix between juice fast and water fast where we get some calories for energy but not too much to keep deeper state of cleansing. I never thought about it, my mind just has tendency to go to extremes of things I guess (either high calorie juice or zero calorie water). And I can definitely see how that would make it mentally easier to endure. I might just try that.

Interesting that you point out refeeding. I've heard that after long water fast if one refeeds improperly they could end up even dying. But because I am not doing that long fasts yet I've been kinda ignoring the whole part. But the idea of not keeping all the benefits seems a good motivator to look into it even for shorter fasts. You pointed out some interesting things I've missed so far. Thanks!
But your not actually feeling good from fasting. You cant say it now because if you where you would have said so already. If your not feel good during and after is it really worth it? Something to think about.
For me there were downs when I felt detox symptoms during fast and not felt so great and there were also ups where I felt amazing. My mind was so clear and my mood so great like it never was for years. After I started to ate again I still noticed a lot of benefits in terms of feeling clear headed remain. Until I started to ate heavy diet again. Maybe I should stick to more lighter foods permanently, like raw vegan or something. Fasting made me think about it and consider it. Because my mind just clears out and energy is higher. I would compare it to the same thing a lot of people report from nofap, ya know the brain fog and stuff. So now I want to be able to maintain to that state as close as possible. So yea actually, it feels great especially after fast.

But even if I would not feel good during and after, or even if I would feel bad during and after, I would still do it. Because it's good for the body. Just treat it like medicine. Sometimes pills are not tasty, sometimes they are bitter (or even worse, has side effects). But in the end of a day they help us so we still take them. Kinda the same thing here. Something doesn't have to feel great for it to be good for us.
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But your not actually feeling good from fasting. You cant say it now because if you where you would have said so already. If your not feel good during and after is it really worth it? Something to think about.

That is actually untrue. If you are doing it right, it feels like a combined mental and physical exercise. You can get even a kind of high by it, because your body doesn´t need any energy in this time for digesting and preparing or eating food. If you have completed a planned timespan, it feels like a victory, like everything, that needs discipline and stamina. And it´s an excellent startpoint to break habits like smoking, drinking, porn fapping, gaming, etc., because your are not supposed to do any of it during fasting. And when you have successfully detoxed the body, you are thinking about, if you really want to poison it immediatly again after the week.

I googled "Buchinger fasting method" and I found Dr. Otto Buchinger, which I assume is the author who's book you are referring to?

No, Buchinger is already long time dead like Freud, it´s just the name of the method he invented, so absolutly no need to get any original expensive writings. (there is no religious background needed for doing this, but you can, if you want)
A cheap book or even free guide, explaining it more detailed like I already have, while giving you some easy menu suggestions for the re-eating process and advice for the best settings how to do it yourself, should do it. It´s not very difficult, if you seriously wanna try and take care of the already mentioned points. I can recommand it and will probably do it myself again, when I have a free time period and feel some need for it. Done right and being not seriously sick before, it´s neither unhealthy nor dangerous. In fact you will lose some pounds, while still feeling energetic and it´s good for detoxing or cleaning the body from inside.
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