Anybody tried water fasting or juice fasting?

Discussion in 'Nutrition and Supplements' started by Deleted Account, May 17, 2018.

  1. Yaboi56

    Yaboi56 New Fapstronaut

    Im experimenting with it. So far i've done it for one day and on my second day. I can feel a sligth difference though. More energy, more focus, and a start of pulling out brain fog. There are different ways to fast from what i saw. Personally what i decided to do is fast for 12 hrs each day and eat within the 12 hrs left but where i started im sleeping through most the 12 hrs i have to eat. I think its better because the time im awake, i notice that im more focus on the fact that im hungry than looking at porn because im stressed. If anyone wants, ill leave the site i looked at if anyone is curious.
  2. I will try Buchinger's method next week I think. Will have some time then. Let's see how I feel on it as compared to just water.
  3. I already mentioned this guy in my post above, but there are just couple videos of him. Guy runs a fasting clinic and heals all kinds of cancers and other stuff with it.

    This one might be particularly interesting to porn addicts. As we know porn addiction can be emotional but it is also partly physical (desynthesized dopomine receptors, conditioned neuro-connections, etc):

  4. primaljade

    primaljade Fapstronaut

    I've done a 4-day water fast with a friend once.

    "How the hell do you do it? Do you have low appetite? A you usually a small eater or a depressed at the moment?"

    I usually eat a lot of food, but am hardly overweight. I simply stopped eating, I felt hungry a little bit, kinda like when you're late for lunch, but hunger isn't really that bad.

    "How do you feel during those 3-4 days ?" I felt pretty normal, slightly hungry (as I mentioned already), with a lot of emotional cravings of specific food.

    Afterward I felt good about my ability to execute a fast, and no longer care when I have to skip lunch for work (or doing jetlag fasts). It changed my attitude a bit about food, or at least gave me more insight into my diet, and in particular about how I sometimes eat for emotions/dopamine versus nutrients. It wasn't like I achieved enlightenment or anything though.

    I think a lot of this stuff I read about increased focus and energy after fasting is either BS, the placebo effect, and/or just needs a fasting time greater than 4 days. Regardless, I recommend doing it at least once as a self-awareness project.
  5. drac16

    drac16 Fapstronaut

    Fasting can be tremendously useful. I've tried caffeine fasts recently and they've helped me quite a bit. It gives my mind something to occupy itself with, which means less time focusing on masturbation and pornography.
  6. I think a lot of this stuff I read about increased focus and energy after fasting is either BS, the placebo effect, and/or just needs a fasting time greater than 4 days. Regardless, I recommend doing it at least once as a self-awareness project.[/QUOTE]

    Very interesting Primal, thanks for your input!