Anyone eat more while on NoFap?

Yup. I know someone who was a heroine addict and once he was sober from that he gained a lot of weight. Now he has focused all his energy on exercise and is a four time Ironman finisher and fitness freak, as well as a community leader.

We basically just replace one habit with another, so it's important to recognize our habits and know when to slow down or step back and evaluate what we are doing.
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Yes, I had to adjust my caloric intake downward as I had gained several pounds getting through the first month. I also put a near moratorium on night eating to discourage binging.
Jesus yes I feel like im eating more. Im a decent weight, about 170 at 16 years and i play football but just today my dad dropped off 2 personal pizza hut pizzas for lunch today and I at them BOTH lol. They werent too big, but you know they got a significant amount of calories and grease. I gotta keep an eye out on my eating habits too bro