Anyone feel like their brain is waking up?

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So, I got this funny feeling that my brain is kind of waking up.

It feels like my brain is actually trying to solve my problems. It feels like things make more sense now. I feel like I'm more present. I feel more a part of the world. I feel more interested in things. I feel like my brain is actually trying to connect with people, and figuring out why I can't.

The wake up hasnt ' been easy though. I've had moments of darkness where I feel like there is no hope and I should die. But I've also had moments of almost euphoric happiness. Also I've had so much more emotions. I feel like my brain is healing.

Imagine being in a warm bath nothing to worry about, but then you have to get out. Doesn't exactly feel nice. Imagine sleeping soundly and your suddenly woken up. Doesn't exactly feel nice. Imagine being born in to the cold and bright world, after being in a nice warm womb for months.

That's how I'm imagining this situation, the brain is in discomfort and confusion, but it'll get better.
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Absolutely. I feel this too. We are waking up, the fog is lifting. Maybe being free of all artificial sex stimulation this is HOW we are supposed to feel as human beings. Not bathed in dopamine all the time
Absolutely! I can totally relate to what you're saying. Last weekend, I was making a puzzle for two hours straight. I can't even remember when was the last time I did the same activity for two hours straight.

(It's been 2.5 weeks since I've MO'd, and 6 weeks since I last viewed porn)
I´d like to join this thread because you define it pretty accurate!

Me - 25days - fog is lifting up. I feel like huge energy is coming back to my body. And the best part is the feeling i belong to the society around me. Keep smiling and I am more happy that I was last 5years I have to say. I also applied for another marathon next April and Iron Man - so training has just started! Morning swimming? I couldnt imagine it a year ago and now? Piece of cake! Cold showers? Normal part of a daily routine!

It is amazing what your body can take and still be happy - even happier than ever!
NOFAP is the best thing in my life I have came across with. Sure I have urges and cravings, but I read the cravings are signs the addiction leaving your body and everytime you overcome this you are a bit closer to finish that beast in your head completely.

Keep it up my friends!
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Yes, I agree. Just been 13 days for me but I feel much more alert and "with it." Able to do my job better and feel more confident interacting with people. To be honest, part of it has been that I am feeling guilty about having this secret of my porn addiction and not sharing it with anyone. I have a few urges today. Monday is a day when I have usually used porn at work on my secretary's computer as she is off on Mondays. Crazy thing, and dangerous. I feel so much better without it. Don't want to turn back now!! I also have been feeling a lot more energy to sustain me through some long work days, even when I don't get all the sleep I would like to get I still have enough energy. It's amazing but I know that I must have another victory today and get through it well to maintain my new found sense of well being. Great topic!
yes. it feels like I am growing up. The place where I am mentally stuck is when I started using. It really retarded my development. It makes me selfish and self absorbed. One of the biggest things I notice is that I can connect with people and care about them, where as before it felt impossible for me to care about anybody, but myself.

As I get better though, I also feel sadder and more depressed. Its like I am carrying around a black cloud. I figure that this is just the withdrawls. I guess it means that the NoFap is working